< Sonic Colors

Sonic Colors/Headscratchers

  • Okay, granted, Eggman's cutting corners left and right, but still -- where is he getting the money to build this stuff? Who would invest in a resort company run by a former Mad Scientist? Does he have a gold mine or something hidden away where nobody can find it? (Actually, this would make an intriguing Plot Hook for the next Sonic game, now that I think about it.)
    • There are many, many other evil plans in other works for which the question of finance is just as applicable if not more. At least Eggman's got the amusement-park cover story. And trust me, there would be people shortsighted enough 8to invest in this project.
    • Offscreen Villain Dark Matter.
    • How does he keep building armadas on the order of the Egg Fleet with each game? It's long been a theory that he can build machinery at a rate beyond our puny human imagining.
      • Guy has a lot of free time on his hands. One can imagine him digging through a local scrapyard to find the parts to build all this stuff... or, more likely, airlifting the entire yard to his base. He probably isn't "buying" any of his supplies in a legitimate sense at least.
    • It's revealed in Sonic Battle that he makes quite a bit of money selling guard robots through various fronts.
  • Why does Eggman keep calling it "Sonic's world"? Is it not his world too?
    • He's operating in deep space and capturing other planets. At that point, it kind of helps to clarify. Plus, it would kind of sound lame if he said "now I'll make my world mine!" or something like that.
  • The constant hilarious Eggman PA announcements are as awesome as they are completely drowned out by the music and sound effects. And unlike seemingly every game made recently, no option to change the relative volume of voice, sounds, and music.
    • A shame, yes, but it's awesome as well because, in Real Life, the loudspeakers are just as muffled by background noise.
      • Since when does real life matter in video games?
      • Rule of Funny. It's both amusing and annoying when it happens in real life; why not put it in the game?
  • The fact that Eggman's entire plan is derailed completely by chance just seems kind of... flimsy. When you stop and think about it, Sonic could have just beaten the first boss and then left the park and Eggman still would have defeated himself.
    • And then the chain reaction would have destroyed all nearby planets, including Sonic's world. Not a very happy ending.
    • Sonic didn't even know that it would happen. Eggman was banking on the fact that Sonic wouldn't be aware that the mind-control cannon would be able to function without a constant supply of power, after all.
  • Consider the Wisps. They've had their planet seized by evil forces in an effort to build an amusement park. The park was ostensibly built by Dr. Eggman and his robots, as we have not seen any human employees anywhere in the game, even as we see robots do menial tasks, nor have there been any park visitors by the time Sonic and Tails show up. In other words, Dr. Eggman is the only human being these Wisps have ever seen before. How would they be able to tell that he is bald (note that none of the aliens have any hair whatsoever), let alone consider it a significant enough trait to be the term they use to refer to him?
    • Yacker has hair, and the PA announcements imply there are visitors. It is not the first time a Sonic game has a seemingly empty city.
      • You can assume that Sonic and Tails simply got in before anyone else. He did say they left the keys in the elevators to the park, so it must've not been open yet, or Eggman was waiting for his doomsday weapon to work before opening the gates. And the announcements are probably pre-recorded.
      • Well in the DS version, tons of other Sonic characters from the modern era are also in the park, so maybe the Wisps might have met them in that version earlier.
      • Speaking of which, how the hell did they get out before the park went boom?
      • In the Wii version, Eggman's map screen voiceover for Terminal Velocity is pretty obviously an in-universe evacuation alert. Sonic's friends include a teleporter, a time traveler, and a dimensional traveler. Good enough for you?
      • And the only part of the park that went boom was the Tropical Resort, so the only people in danger were Cream and Cheese and the random Chao. And they could just has easily have evacuated as soon as Eggman gave the evacuation alert.
  • Ok, one question I have about the Nega Mother Wisp battle in the DS version. I don't get it, how are Sonic and Tails still in space? I mean, the entire park was destroyed after Sonic beat Eggman in his Nega Wisp Armor machine, and both that and the entire theme park were destroyed (I know Sonic and Tails have been able to breathe in space in previous titles, but my question is more leaning toward where the heck the setting is taking place during the Bonus Boss if the setting has been destroyed already), and those events happen before Sonic encounters the Nega Mother Wisp, so where exactly are Sonic, Tails, and Yacker in space if the game's main setting has already been destroyed before that point in the game? Also, I thought Sonic, Tails, and Yacker said goodbye and went seprate ways during the ending after the theme park was destroyed, so why are they still together if they had already separted during the first ending? I don't get why or how they are still together during the Nega Mother Wisp battle. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
    • Tails has spaceships. In the normal ending (Wii Version), the wisps could come down to earth before they leave for good, so it's possible they came down and said "Oh, forgot to ask. Could you save our mom?"
      • No, no, no. At the DS version, after you beat the last boss, the Wisps DON'T teleport their planets. After that, Sonic is supposed to have all the Chaos Emeralds already. After that, Yacker must have called then before they go away and they go to space and see the Nega Mother Wisp. Then blahblahblah, you defeat Nega Mother Wisp and THEN Sonic and Tails return to the Earth definitively.
  • Shouldn't Sonic have started running the moment he beat the Nega-Wisp Armor? He should have seen the black hole coming from a mile away! Maybe even more!
  • That last robot wasn't invincible at all. Was Eggman just using hyperbole?
    • Correct. He was just trying to scare Sonic, which obviously didn't work.
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