Sonic Blast

Sonic Blast (AKA G-Sonic in japan) is a 1996 Game Gear Sonic the Hedgehog game, and the last Sonic game released for that system. It is notable for being the last side-scrolling Sonic game released prior to Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure and Sonic Advance, as well as for having pre-rendered graphics à la Donkey Kong Country. It is also the only handheld Sonic game prior to Sonic Advance that Knuckles is fully playable. This game is also notable for being the first Sonic game where Sonic only loses 10 rings per hit instead of all of them.
The game can be found on Sonic Adventure DX and Sonic Mega Collection Plus, and as an unlockable demo on Sonic Gems Collection.
Not to be confused with Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island. Nor Sonic Robo Blast 2.
- Advancing Wall of Doom: At some parts of Silver Castle, spiked walls will chase after you.
- Bonus Stage: Act 1 and 2 of each world have one, with the first act stage giving you a 1-up for beating it, while Act 2s bonus stages will give you a Chaos Emerald for beating them.
- Chaos Emeralds: Five of them, all needed to unlock the secret final boss.
- Collapsing Lair: Silver Castle crashes into the ocean in the ending.
- Convection, Schmonvection: Featured in Red Volcano.
- Double Jump: Sonic has one in this game.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys: The Coconut badniks from Green Hill.
- Everything's Worse with Bees: The buzzbomber-esque badniks from Green Hill.
- Golden Ending: While both endings are identical, the real ending dosen't show Robotnik escaping from the Silver Castle.
- Kaizo Trap: If you run out of air during Blue Marine's boss encounter, you have to fight it all over again, even if you're in the victory pose.
- Kill Sat: Silver Castle is presumably this, due to its similar appearance to the Death Egg.
- One Hundred Rings: Collecting 100 rings gets you a free one-up...but immediately resets your ring counter back to zero.
- Oxygenated Underwater Bubbles: In Blue Marine.
- Quicksand Sucks: Featured in Yellow Desert Act 2.
- Similarly Named Works: With Sonic 3-D Blast.
- Sprite Polygon Mix: Pre-rendered 3-D models for Sonic, Knuckles and the Badniks, but 2-D sprites for everything else.
- Theme Naming: Each of the five worlds is named after a color: Green Hill Zone, Yellow Desert, Red Volcano, Blue Marine and Silver Castle.
- Timed Mission: Ten minutes for each act.
- True Final Boss: Depending on whether you have all the Emeralds or not by the time you beat Silver Castle's boss, you immediately confront the real final boss.
- Video Game Settings:
- Beneath the Earth: Red Volcano Act 2 and 3.
- Eternal Engine: Silver Castle, which from the outside is very similar to the Death Egg in appearance.
- Green Hill Zone: The Trope Namer makes an appearance in this game, although it has little in common with the original level outside of a superficial resemblence. And it has shades of Palmtree Panic in it as well.
- Lethal Lava Land: Red Volcano Act 1.
- Shifting Sand Land: Yellow Desert Act 1.
- Temple of Doom/Build Like an Egyptian: Yellow Desert Acts 2 and 3.
- Underwater Ruins: Blue Marine.
- Villain Exit Stage Left: Robotnik flees Silver Castle when it crashes into the ocean in the Bad Ending, but dosen't in the Good Ending.
- Visual Pun: The true final boss is, of all things, a cracked egg.