Son of the White Horse
Based on steppe nomad legends, and the work of Arany László (based on Hungarian folktales), the eponymous Fehérlófia (Son of the White Horse), or more accurately Fanyűvő (Treetearer) is the superpowered son of a white mare.
Shortly after he's born, his mother tells him a story: long ago, there was happiness and peace as Father God and Mother Goddess ruled the world; hovewer, their sons grew restless, and wished for wives. But this soon proved to be to their ruin, as the princesses they were given became curious about that door they were never supposed to open, and unwillingly set the evil dragons free. The dragons immediately seized power over the world, killing the three brothers and taking the princesses as their wives. Only Father God escaped, but with greatly diminished power. Mother Goddess was, however, captured, while trying to escape in the form of a white mare. While in captivity, she gave birth two times, with both of her sons disappearing. When she became pregnant a third time, she was told that if this son disappears as well, the world will lose its last chance of being saved…
After the death of his mother, Fanyűvő sets out to find his similarly superpowered brothers, Kőmorzsoló (Stonecrumbler) and Vasgyúró (Ironkneader). It is up to them to overthrow the dragons' rule and bring balance back to the world.
- Adaptational Villainy: Inversion. In the original tale (meaning Arany's), Hétszőnyű Kapanyányimonyók is the villain. Here, he's The Hero's father in disguise. Also, in the original tale his brothers did betray Fanyűvő.
- Bittersweet Ending: On one hand, the dragons have been killed, balance restored, love found. On the other, the closing words could be taken to mean this is a never-ending cycle.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: the princesses
- Butt Monkey:Ppoor Kőmorzsoló…
- Chromatic Arrangement: Yellow for Fanyűvő, blueish-green for Vasgyúró, red for Kőmorzsoló. Also holds for the the princesses.
- Composite Character: In some versions of the original folk tale (including László Arany's), Fehérlófia and Fanyűvő are separate characters.
- Damsel in Distress: The princesses. Somewhat subverted with the third, as she actually helps the hero defeat the dragon holding her captive.
- Dark Is Evil: All the dragons are colored a dark shade.
- Evil Sounds Deep: The dragons
- Heroic BSOD: Fanyűvő has two: A brief one when he kills the first dragon, and another one after he tries to kill his brothers because he thinks they betrayed him.
- Lady in Red: Princess no.1
- Light Is Good:Aalmost all non-evil are drawn in bright colors.
- Love At First Sight
- Nervous Wreck: Princess no.2. But considering who her husband is…
- New Media Are Evil: The third dragon seems to be made out of some sort of weird computer screens.
- No Name Given: Only the hero and his brothers get nominal importance.
- Our Dragons Are Different: No kidding.
- Patronymic Even though it sounds like one, the white horse is actually his mother, but you wouldn't tell that from the name alone. So... inverted?
- Pragmatic Adaptation
- Really Was Born Yesterday: Not much time seems to pass between Fanyűvő being born, and being able to walk and talk (and trying to run away from home). Possibly justified in a way, since he was born from a horse.
- Rule of Three: Three brothers, three princesses, three dragons…
- Screaming Warrior: Vasgyúró seems to be this.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: The dragons, before the princesses let them out.
- Secret Test of Character: That business with Hétszőnyű Kapanyányimonyók asking for porridge could have been this… except he still wants to beat Fanyűvő when he tells him not to eat all of it. But then again, Fanyűvő did find the entrance to the Underworld as a result.
- Stripperiffic: Princess no.1 is somewhat underdressed.
- War Is Hell: The second dragon has the body of a tank, and uses BFGs.
- What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: Some of the scenes are pretty trippy, to say the least.
- World Tree