Son of the Beach

2000-02 comedy series that aired on the FX Network, which was more or less a satire of Baywatch. It focused on world-renowned lifeguard Notch Johnson (played by Timothy Stack), who was to this show what David Hasselhoff was to the original.
The show poked fun at the genre in general, particularly the non-stop T&A and sexual content, by cranking it Up to Eleven.
Tropes used in Son of the Beach include:
- Abhorrent Admirer: Mayor Massengil is this towards Chip.
- The Ahnold: Chip Rommel, the lifeguard played by Roland Kickinger, was a parody of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Kickinger eventually played the young Schwarzenegger in the made-for-TV Biopic See Arnold Run, and also appeared in Terminator Salvation.
- The Beautiful Elite: Just as much as the genre it was ridiculing.
- Black Best Friend: Jamaica
- Bring My Brown Pants
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Mayor Massengil was dropped from the show when the actress playing her became pregnant.
- Double Entendre
- Double Standard Rape (Male on Male)
- Dumb Blonde: B.J.
- Genius Cripple: Professor Milosevic, an Expy of Stephen Hawking.
- Howard Stern: The show's executive producer, and often promoted the series on his radio show.
- Imagine Spot
- Informed Attractiveness: In a deliberate parody everyone on the show apart from Kimberlee regards Notch as the hottest guy on earth. Meanwhile the viewers can plainly see that he is out-of-shape, pasty white, middle-aged and balding.
- Naked People Are Funny
- Only Sane Man: Kimberlee, who was the only one that seemed to realize how goofy everyone else on the show acted.
- Pettanko: Kimberlee
- Raging Stiffie: Chip gains one while the gang went through a nude beach. Of course, we don't see it, but Notch tells Chip to stop bumping into him even though he's only a feet away.
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