Son of Frankenstein

Son of Frankenstein is a 1939 horror film, the third film in Universal's Frankenstein series. It stars Basil Rathbone as the eponymous son, Bela Lugosi as Ygor and Boris Karloff as Frankenstein's Monster for the final time in his career.
A couple decades after the events of Bride of Frankenstein, Dr. Wolf von Frankenstein and his wife and son arrive in the town of Goldstadt Frankenstein to claim his inheritance from his late father, namely the Castle Frankenstein. Terror of the Monster still fresh on their minds, the townsfolk shun Wolf but he keeps his mind open. He meets Dr. Henry Heinrich Frankenstein's previous assistant Ygor, who survived a hanging attempt following his conviction for Grave Robbing. Ygor reveals that the Monster is still alive, but is in bad shape due to being struck by lightning, and begs Wolf to help it. Wolf decides to restore the Monster in the name science, but Ygor has other plans in mind...
Son is considered to be Universal's last great Frankenstein movie and Lugosi's portrayal of Ygor is often hailed as his career's high-point. Its basic concept and a number of ideas unique to it (e.g. Krogh's artificial arm) were specifically parodied by Young Frankenstein.
The film was followed by The Ghost of Frankenstein.
- Artificial Limbs: Krogh's wooden arm.
- Awesome McCoolname: Baron Wolf von Frankenstein.
- Though this could double as Names to Run Away From Really Fast.
- Drop the Hammer: Ygor tries to do this to the Baron. It doesn't end well for old Ygor.
- Fainting: Amelia faints at the sight of the Monster.
- For Science!: Wolf's reason to heal the Monster.
- Handicapped Badass: Inspector Krogh, full stop.
- Have a Gay Old Time
- High-Class Glass: Inspector Krogh wears one.
- I Am Not Shazam: Wolf lampshades the fact that people mistakenly refer to the Monster as Frankenstein.
- The Igor: Ygor is the Trope Namer.
- The Man They Couldn't Hang: Ygor.
- My Nayme Is
- Organ Dodge: When the Monster tries to rip off Krogh's arm and grabs his wooden one.
- Revenge: Ygor has been using the Monster to get revenge on his accusers. Later on, after the Monster finds Ygor dead, he goes on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge that culminates in his attempting to kill the Baron's son by hurling him into a sulfur pit.
- Screaming Woman
- Torches and Pitchforks
- Überwald
- The Von Trope Family
- Will
- Would Hurt a Child: The Monster did this to Inspector Krogh in the backstory, ripping his arm out of its socket, and he tries to do it to the Baron's son in revenge for Ygor's death.
- The X of Y