< Solomon Kane (film)

Solomon Kane (film)/YMMV

The Robert E. Howard Stories:

  • Fair for Its Day: For a 1920's pulp series with stories set in Africa, it manages to be quite unmalicious. Condescending, yes, but the black characters are treated as characters in their own right.

The 2010 Film:

  • Complete Monster: Malachi is the devil's loyal servant after all.
    • Arguably Marcus was well on his way. He's already an arrogant bully and attempted rapist. All this is long before he will one day be Lord of the lands with real power. Even a young Solomon seems to know his brother's nature all too well, even calling him out on it in front of their father.
      • The Masked Rider. Who turns out its actually an enslaved Marcus.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: When Solomon finally begins his Roaring Rampage Of Revenge.
  • In Name Only
  • Narm: "Solomoon!", "Merediith!"
  • Older Than They Think: People have said this looks like Van Helsing and/or Vampire Hunter D, but Robert E. Howard was probably the first to use the black clothes / Nice Hat / Badass Cape (or Coat) combo for this kind of character - way back in the 1920s.
  • The Untwist: It didn't take any audience very long to guess that The Dragon was Kane's older brother Marcus behind the mask.
  • What an Idiot!: Sure Josiah Kane give your lands and wealth to an evil sorcerer in order to heal your badly injured eldest son. Because we all know Faustian pacts have a long history of NOT backfiring. Oh, I'm sure all those thousands of people on your lands won't suffer under his rule and even if they do, what's the suffering of hundreds next to one Jerkass son's health? What could go wrong?
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