< Soldier of Fortune (video game)

Soldier of Fortune (video game)/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Wilhelm "Sabre" Dekker and Sergei Dekker in the first game kill tons of innocent civilians apparantly for no other reason then simply be a hindrance. Their mooks qualify as well, as in many levels they kill innocent civilians while the Dekkers are not even present.
  • Demonic Spiders: Potentially any enemy in SOF2 on Consultant and Soldier of Fortune difficulties, due to the AI being a cheating bastard with accuracy(they have pixel-perfect aim at very long range, while you are screwed by recoil), visibility(they can see you through thick brush, smoke, and fog, and even behind hills), and grenade timing(sometimes they will telekinetically detonate it in midair).
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The music on the nightclub level in Payback
  • Disappointing Last Level: the abrupt and insanely annoying jump in difficulty in the last few levels of Payback.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: One of the levels has Saddam Hoessein in it (he only appears in a cutscene), through cheats however, you can spawn and kill him. Now try to play this game now that Saddam is dead for real.
  • Narm Most of the dialogue and voice-acting in Payback is so ridiculous and over-the-top that it's almost impossible to take seriously.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The slaughterhouse in the Sudan mission in the first game.
  • Player Punch, Kick the Dog: At the end of the Sudan mission (late in the game), Mullins is Late to the Party just enough to see his accomplice Hawk be executed by Big Bad Dekker.
  • Replacement Scrappy: Taylor, for some.
  • Sequelitis: The third game. No John Mullins, different developer, different story.
  • That One Boss: The final boss of the first game is regarded as this by many, with an extremely powerful weapon, nasty turret back-up and being absurdly resistant to everything with the Hand Wave of "he's wearing body armour".
    • The Interrogator in the Hong Kong prison in the second game, with his near-instant-death machine gun. And he's Made of Iron even though he doesn't wear armor.
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