
Evil aliens foolishly invade a World of Ham to assassinate the titular, um, sock...
Wait, let's try this again.
In a crazy suburban world, two friends - Ronnie Cordova, a kung-fu master in a maroon leisure suit and Burger, a cyborg in what appears to be a prison outfit with a rocket-powered robotic fist have somehow fallen into the task of caring for Sockbaby - a sentient sock. Who is actually the sock incarnation of Jesus, destined to die (again) for the sins of the Sock-People. When attempting to go get some lunch, Ronnie and Burger are assaulted by jive-talking demonic aliens...
It's as weird as it sounds. And it's awesome.
The fourth film in the series (Sockb4by) guest stars Doug Jones (with a cameo by Napoleon Dynamite in a wetsuit), gives us some more details of Ronnie's origin, and shatters the law that the fourth movie in a series is always horrible.
Written by Doug Ten Napel, directed by Doug TenNapel and John Soares.
- Alien Blood - In Sockb4by, one of the Man-I-Two twins (the Heder brothers) blood is orange, the other's is yellow.
- Also, Doug Jones' blood is black.
- And the first mook (the one that gets his hand caught in the blender) has pink blood.
- All There in the Manual - Subverted. While clarification about the Sockbaby universe has been done on Doug TenNapel's forums, he has stated that everything you need to know about the films is right there in the movies. There's still no explaining that first scene, though...
- Applied Phlebotinum - Sockbaby brings Ronnie back to life with some sort of pixie dust after his fight with Lord Opticord.
- Artifact Title - Sockbaby is nowhere to be seen in Sockb4by.
- Art Major Biology - Ronnie's mom was white and his dad was black; this, according to Doug TenNapel, is why Ronnie was born a black child but grew up to be a white man.
- Art Shift - Ronnie's plasma pill-enduced energy blast that explodes one of the greys is shown in an animated sequence.
- Also, Ronnie's lungs in Sockb4by.
- As Himself - Doug Jones.
- Asskicking Pose: Frequently. Ronnie loves to pose.
- Authority Equals Asskicking - Lord Opticord is the toughest opponent.
- Blood From the Mouth - Done hilariously badly. (Of course, that was the whole point.)
- Brick Joke: Burger tells a man who claims to be Ronnie's father that he's lying, "Because Ronnie's father is black!" Sure enough, we see at the end that Ronnie's real father was black.
- Bring It - Ronnie Cordova makes a few of these moves.
- The Brute - A Two-Ton Chum-Chum.
- Chekhov's Dog Dookie
- Carry a Big Stick - The Chum-Chum again.
- Catch Phrase - The head Grey: "Sham Bam Bamina!"
- Cloudcuckoolander - Doug TenNapel, who wrote the thing.
- Complete Monster - Lord Opticord: "I don't kill Sockbaby to win; I kill Sockbaby to break the heart of God."
- Cool Shades - Ronnie's mirrored aviators.
- Creator Cameo: Doug TenNapel as Lord Optichord. He is HUGE.
- Embarrassing First Name. "My name is Davis." (*snicker*)
- Enemy Mime - The greys wear black and white facepaint.
- Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting - In Sockb4by, even Ronnie's next door neighbor is one of the mook squad that attacks him.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom - When Ronnie takes the plasma pill.
- Goggles Do Nothing - Burger wears a pair of swimming goggles - for no apparent reason.
- Heterosexual Life Partners - Ronnie and Burger
- Hey, It's That Guy! - The Silver Surfer and Napoleon Dynamite take on Agamemnon Tiberius Vacuum!
- Lampshaded. "But you're Doug Jones! How would an A-lister like you know little old me?"
- Ho Yay - Ronnie and Burger, in the fourth film. The gum... that's all this troper's saying.
- Kung Foley - In universe, no less! Ronnie's posing causes random snaps and musical stings to occur. In Sockbaby 2, when one pose results in a hoedownariffic musical sting, Burger tells him to cut it out.
- Luke, I Am Your Father - Doug Jones, to Ronnie.
- Narm Charm
- Nightmare Fuel - Lord Opticord. CREEEEPY!
- Old Master - Master Cordova
- Rule of Cool- Every. Fight. Scene. Period.
- Sharp Dressed Mooks - The Greys wear matching black and white suits.
- Shout-Out - "And I'll form the head."
- Sins of Our Fathers - "Your real father killed my real son. So I'm here to return the favor!"
- Trash Talk - "Go forth and tell your alien brothers... THAT RONNIE CORDOVA SAYS THEY'RE GAY!"
- Underwear of Power - in Sockb4by, the mooks all wear black wetsuits with white briefs on the outside.
- Variable-Length Chain - Ronnie can use his leisure suit neck chain as a(n apparently electrified) weapon. Lord Opticord turns it against him after it's used on him - and they both apparently die...
- Wilhelm Scream