Sock Tube Presents
"SockTube Presents is a series of hit movie parodies, recounted by tube sock puppets with an unflinching willingness to tell it like it is."
A YouTube series in which a bunch of guys who have lots of tube socks, arts-and-crafts materials, and a stage parody movies.
That's pretty much SockTube Presents. Movies they've parodied include:
- Michael Clayton
- Atonement
- No Country for Old Men
- There Will Be Blood
- Juno
- Semi-Pro
- Step Up 2: The Streets
- 10,000 BC
- Indiana Jones
- Hellboy 2
- Journey to the Center of the Earth In 3-D!!!
- Point Break
- Animal House
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
- Milk
- Frost/Nixon
- Slumdog Millionaire
- The Reader
Their YouTube channel can be found here.
Tropes used in Sock Tube Presents include:
- 3D Movie: parodied
- Anachronism Stew: they lampshaded the hell out of it.
- Brick Joke: in the Indiana Jones trilogy show.
- Catch Phrase: "SockTube Presents..."
- Conspicuous CG: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button show. Played for laughs
- Crowning Moment of Funny: These guys are Comedy Geniuses!!!
- Fauxreigner: Whenever an accent needs to be faked, expect them to ham it up.
- Lampshade Hanging
- Large Ham: much of the humor.
- Shout-Out: lots.
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