< So Bad It's Horrible

So Bad It's Horrible/Playing With

Basic Trope: A work is extremely bad, and is hated for it.

  • Straight: An author writes a book that is widely considered bad, and everyone hates it.
  • Exaggerated: The book is so poorly written that it has no real continuity, grammar, or spelling.
  • Up to Eleven: The book is so awful it's not only unable to attract Bile Fascination, but unable to be riffed on due to the overwhelming awfulness.
  • Justified: The book is written from the point of view of a patient of a mentally-wasting illness.
  • Inverted: So Cool Its Awesome.
  • Subverted: So Bad It's Good.
  • Double Subverted: The book is actually serious, you just mistook for parody.
  • Parodied: The awfulness of the book is used to create Narm and So Bad It's Good.
  • Deconstructed: The author is ridiculed to an extent where they can never have anything published again, and loses their self-belief.
  • Reconstructed: The author learns from their mistakes and writes a second, much better book.
  • Zig Zagged: The book is terrible, people hate it, the author is ridiculed, and then people realise it is a parody and love it. Little do they know that it wasn't a parody.
    • Alternatively, as you read on, the book constantly switches between chapters of cringe-inducing awfulness to hilariously bad ones that make you wonder if it's a Stealth Parody.
  • Averted: The book is good.
  • Enforced: The book was an exercise in how to write poorly, so the author won't make the same mistakes when writing seriously.
  • Lampshaded: One of the characters points out the serious flaws in the plot or writing.
  • Invoked: "Now to write another terrible story!"
  • Defied: The author tries extremely hard to write a good story.
  • Discussed: "That book really is really is terrible, isn't it?"
  • Conversed: "Well, some books really are that awful."
  • Played For Laughs: The awfulness is intentional, designed to be be ridiculous in its failures.
  • Played For Drama: See "Justified".

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