< Snow Means Cold
Snow Means Cold/Playing With
Basic Trope: When the weather gets cold, snow and ice immediately appear.
- Straight: After the Evil Overlord hits the Earth with his global Freeze Ray, fierce snowstorms appear all over the planet.
- Exaggerated: After the Evil Overlord hits the Earth with his global Freeze Ray, the planet is covered with six feet of ice.
- Justified: Before attacking the Earth with his Freeze Ray, the Evil Overlord vaporized the planet's ice caps to increase the atmospheric humidity.
- Inverted: The global Freeze Ray blasts away moisture, so it gets drier as it gets colder.
- Subverted: The Evil Overlord hits the Earth with his global Freeze Ray, but snow doesn't fall in arid locations.
- Double Subverted: ...For about thirty seconds. Then the winter weather kicks in.
- Parodied: The Evil Overlord turns down the thermostat at his Supervillain Lair, then a snowstorm appears in his Grand Chamber.
- Deconstructed: ???
- Reconstructed: ???
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: After the earth is hit by the Freeze Ray, only moist places snow.
- Enforced: The main sponsor sells designer parkas, which are prominently featured on the show.
- Lampshaded: "Oh, no! That snow must mean the Evil Overlord has activated his Freeze Ray!"
- Invoked: ???
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: "The Big Bad has a global Freeze Ray? Here comes the snow-covered deserts."
- Conversed: "I love how screenwriters have no knowledge of basic meteorology."
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