< Slayers


  • Slayers is a comedy series, but for a Crowning Moment..."Koala"
  • Next episode 14, the girls learning "Otome no Inori". This is mainly one for the dub (You can't blame Lina when she yells "IN JAPANESE!" before the actual song -- Zelgadis was singing better than both girls!), but Zel's delivery during My heart's beating so fast inside my little breast~ in particular.
  • Episode four of Evolution-R, which begins with a fish-woman who claims Gourry's her husband and the father of her spawn and gets progressively wackier from there, parodying a long list of soap opera cliches.

Zelgadis: [After being glomped by the fish-woman's daughter] ...Don't touch me there.

  • From episode one of Evolution-R:

Lina: Even beautiful roses have thorns... just like me!

  • Cue retching from everyone else*
  • In the very beginning of NEXT episode 18, Xellos is looking at a tablet stating that it's a wishing spring, and if he throws a coin in and rings the bells, good things will happen. The instant he rings the bells, they fall on his head. It comes out of nowhere, and it's hilarious.
  • This one's a novel exclusive—in the first novel, during the scene when Lina wakes up captured and is now forced to sit through whatever petty revenge Zolf has lined up for getting the better of him with that light spell/Fireball shenanigan, Zolf decides to really gross her out and tells Noonsa to kiss her. Noonsa comments what a lucky girl she is—he's considered one of the choicest mates in his school. Then he sits and waits patiently. Finally, someone asks Noonsa what he's waiting for. "The eggs," he replies; all he really knows about kissing is that mating comes into it somewhere.
  • In episode 4 of Next, the four are arguing in the middle of the road, and every citizen is around them as if a dramatic fight is going to happen. And when it turns out they are arguing about restaurants, the crowd disperses,
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