< Slap Slap Kiss
Slap Slap Kiss/Playing With
Basic Trope: Two characters always fight because they secretly like each other.
- Straight: Alice and Bob constantly bicker with each other. at the end of the series, they end up married.
- Exaggerated: Alice and Bob tries to kill each other whenever they meet. They end up married at the end.
- Justified: Alice is a Tomboy, and it's the only way she knows to express her feelings. Bob just doesn't get it.
- Inverted: Kiss Kiss Slap
- Bob and Alice act romantically towards each other so they get into fights.
- Subverted: Everyone assumes that Alice and Bob like each other, but they really do hate each other.
- Double Subverted: Alice and Bob have convinced themselves that they hate each other to hide their true feelings from themselves.
- Parodied: Alice and Bob get into a ridiculous Kung Fu Fight whenever they meet.
- Deconstructed: Alice and Bob get married; the relationship is abusive, and one or both of them are miserable.
- Reconstructed: Alice and Bob have mutually consensual, literal hatesex and enjoy it.
- Zig Zagged: Alice and Bob constantly switch between loving and hating each other.
- Averted: Alice and Bob keep arguing and never end up together.
- Alternatively, Alice and Bob end up together, and only argue occasionally.
- Enforced: "People will think this is too sappy if they are openly affectionate to eachover, after all we can't let these characters be too happy now can we?"
- Lampshaded: "Look, Alice and Bob are fighting again. Would they just go home and kiss already?"
- Invoked: Alice and Bob are in a situation where dating would be frowned upon, so they pretend to hate each other in public.
- Defied: Alice rejects Bob's admission of love so that he will have more to argue with her about.
- Discussed: "Do they really want to beat each other up, or are they just trying to convince themselves they do?"
- Conversed: "When characters fight like that, it always means they're in love."
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