Skunk Fu!
Skunk Fu! is an Irish animated series featuring a young skunk (Skunk) who wants to learn martial arts. He is helped by his friends Rabbit, Fox, and Pig, who are -- wait for it -- a rabbit, a fox and a pig. Skunk also learns from a wise leader named Panda[1].
The series lasted from September, 2007 to September, 2008. A total of 26 episodes in a single season.
Tropes used in Skunk Fu! include:
- Action Girl: Fox.
- Adobe Flash
- Ambiguously Gay: Baboon; despite his sometimes effeminate actions, he obviously has a crush on Fox.
- Anti-Villain: Surprisingly, Dragon could be seen as this if you look at the What the Hell, Hero? down below.
- Because Destiny Says So: Skunk is destined to defeat Dragon.
- Big Bad: Dragon.
- The Chosen One: Skunk was given to Panda when he asked for help defeating Dragon.
- Cool Big Sister: Fox to Skunk. She was taken in by Panda when her father was killed, and seems to view Skunk as a little brother.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Pig becomes "Master Pig", thanks to Rabbit's "octopus arm" weapon (a plunger attached to a rope, which Pig excels in using).
- Pig going nuts over truffles. It's amazing how much ass he can kick for the things.
- A Dog Named "Dog": Entire cast.
- The Dragon: Baboon. Ironically, his Big Bad is a Dragon by the name of... you know darn well what.
- Fallen Hero: A rather tradgic case of it. Dragon used to be a heroic guardian of the valley, but after falling a test from Heaven was punished. This caused him to turn into the monster he is today.
- Fartillery: Skunk, natch.
- Fiery Redhead: Fox (she has red fur).
- She even has Green Eyes.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Rabbit has a poster of Fox in a Playboy-esque pose.
- Gossipy Hens: Actually a Gossipy Crane.
- Humanoid Female Animal bordering on Petting Zoo Person: Fox, again.
- I Just Want to Be Special: Praying Mantis.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Every episode title begins with "The Art of..."
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Rabbit.
- Just a Stupid Accent: Baboon's Australian accent.
- Maniac Monkeys: Baboon and the monkey ninjas.
- Minimalist Cast
- Mooks: Baboon's army of ninja monkeys.
- Ninja: Ninja monkeys, of course!
- Pandaing to the Audience: Panda.
- Paper Fan of Doom: Fox.
- Rashomon Style: "The Art of Remembering".
- Smelly Skunk: Duh.
- Species Surname: Species Full Name, actually.
- Tsundere: Rabbit.
- Too Dumb to Live: Pig.
- Unless you give him a plunger with a rope attached to it.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Yeah, he may have failed their test, but Heaven's punishment of Dragon was rather severe. Particularly given he was trying to use his powers to help others. Not only does this seem rather cruel, they ended up creating the series Big Bad.
- It wasn't just failing a simple test. Dragon became so full of himself that he saw himself as being above all the other animals and was "punished for his arrogance." He was already on the road to being a Big Bad. Being severely burned all over actually minimizes his roll. If he hadn't been burned, he would have already killed off all of the valley creatures, himself.
- ↑ guess what he is
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