< Skullgirls


Possible spoilers ahead? Read at your own discretion.

Peacock is rivals with Bloody Marie.

  • Possible spoilers ahead? Read at your own discretion. This is from old versions of the Skullgirls history and old profiles, so it could be out of date. If you're not sure, avoid it for now. If you don't mind potential spoilers, read on:
    • A few old revisions of the plot summary and Peacock's bio seem to suggest this. Peacock used to be a girl named Patricia before she was kidnapped by slave traders. One summary, found here, as well as other entries like this one, suggest that Peacock's personal grudge against the Skullgirl is because Marie used to be her friend before becoming the current Skullgirl, but stood by and did nothing while Patricia was kidnapped. This led to the eventual enslavement and torture, then the augmentation by ASG Labs and descent into madness that would end up in the creation of Peacock. Now that Peacock is a weapon with powers on par with that of the Skullgirl, she can get her revenge on Marie for allowing her to become what she is today through her negligence.
  • This WMG is sort of confirmed, as you go along through Peacock's story mode, there's more and more hints of it. After Dr. Avian's killed, Andy Anvil spots the Skullgirl. When Peacock gets a look at her, she says with tears in her eyes "...Marie's the skullgirl?" and decides to catch up with her before being interrupted by Double. After fighting Valentine and Double at the Cathedral, Peacock heads to the Catacombs to meet Marie. They talk for a bit like good old friends, referring to each other by name, and Marie even asks her to leave so Peacock isn't hurt. Peacock refuses to leave and decides to fight Marie, even if she's sad to have to. As the fight opens, Peacock says "Don't think I'll go easy on you..." while Marie says "...Patricia...". After the fight and Peacock destroys the Skullheart, Marie states that she wanted the Skullheart to get revenge on the slave traders who killed Peacock and to fight all evil. As she's dying, Peacock promises that they'll always be friends and that she'll take on Marie's work without trying to destroy the whole world in the process. Cut to Peacock fighting Black Dahlia.

Filia is the long-lost scion of a Mafia clan.

  • One of Cerebella's lines on defeating Filia is "You should've stuck with the family!" An odd choice for a win quote, unless she's talking about a capital-F Family... Granted, Filia's not the Mafia Princess type on first glance, but the loss of her memories must have had a significant effect on her personality, as it often does in Easy Amnesia stories.
    • Also suggestive is the fact that her name (or at least the name she now goes by) is Latin for "daughter".
    • Maybe she was in the same line of work as Cerebella?
  • One of Peacock's winquotes against Filia also seems to suggest this: "Huh, I expected more from the Medici mob!"
  • It's possible that Cerebella and Peacock could be referring to Samson in those quotes, seeing as he's attached to the back of Filia's head and neither quote is gender-specific. Maybe he somehow works for the mob?
  • If you look REALLY closely at around 1:09 of this video shows a picture for just a moment that seems to contain Vitale Medici, his wife(?), and a black haired girl that looks like it could be Filia...
    • An even more frightening possibility -- the black-haired girl could also be Carol a/k/a Painwheel.
    • It pretty much is. Note her hair is parted similar to Painwheel's, and that Painwheel's mask outlines are on the picture.
  • Confirmed. While the exact details aren't known, when confronting Marie, Filia is told that she has Medici blood.

Samson eats or has eaten people.

  • The evidence: he vomits skulls in Filia's level 3.
    • If they haven't changed the plotlines linked above, then we know that he ate Filia's parents...

There will be a Real Soviet Damage reference.

  • As either an achievement, a win quote or what not. Because it'd be epic.
    • Confirmed; the "Real Circus Damage" achievement.
      • Double Confirmed; The announcer can sometimes say "Now that's REAL Soviet Damage!"

One of the Anti-Skullgirls Lab characters will pull a Heel Face Turn.

  • This editor believes it will be Painwheel. Valentine is out, since she seems incredibly loyal and has done some pretty heinous things, and Peacock seems too psychotic and broken to snap out of her murderous personality. Possibly, Painwheel might be freed from Brain Drain's control, and undergoes a major breakdown at what she has become. She then decides to seek redemption by using her horrific powers for a better cause, even if she will never be Carol again, and still has her violent, destructive tendencies.
  • Confirmed, except that it is Valentine who makes the turn... except that she turns against Marie, not the ASL.

Filia is a Skullgirl or connected to the current one somehow.

  • Possible spoiler ahead. Continue reading if you don't mind spoilers.
    • She either encountered the current Skullgirl and survived or found the skull heart and made a wish, in either case the end result was the loss of her memories and the appearance of Samson on her head.
      • The evidence: At the top of the world page of the main site, the figure standing amongst the wreckage is a Skullgirl, notice the red eyes. Out of all the revealed characters only Filia, Valentine, and Painwheel have red eyes in their default colors and the latter two have some sort of connection to a Skullgirl. Valentine is the current Skullgirl's right hand woman and Painwheel was injected with experimental Skullgirl blood, though it may just be the mask in her case.
  • Jossed: Filia has no connection other than being part of the Medici Mafia who Marie hates, it's Peacock who was actually friends with Marie.

Double comes from a race of Abusive Precursors who want to wipe out humanity.

They ruled the world in ancient times and were even worshiped (which is why Double resembles the statue in the cathedral), but were driven into hiding at some point, probably by humans obtaining Living Weapons and science that could fight them. Double has been sent by their queen (the "Great Mother" mentioned in her battle quotes) to aid the Skullgirl in thinning out their numbers so they can take over again. She also calls humans "the real monsters" in one of her victory quotes, indicating some bad blood against them.

    • Going even further, it's possible that she or her people might have created the Skullheart itself for the purpose of turning humans into monsters.

Bloody Marie will have a |Dead Master Palette Swap.

The in-universe reason why the fights are presented as being filmed...

They are filming a movie in-universe and everyone is an animated actor.

Valentine has Survivor Guilt

She's the last survivor of 'The Last Hope'. There's hints that she was close to the team (she has a picture of them in her Valentine's Day artwork). Perhaps she has some major Hidden Depths?

  • Maybe she only joined up with the Skullgirl (heck, it even looks like she could have been forced to join) in order to get close enough to her to catch her off guard? She could be plotting to wait for the opportune time to backstab the Skullgirl and avenge her team, all while under the guise of being her servant.
  • At the end of the story mode trailer, the last clip is a scroll-up of a lot of dead bodies (most of them look like doctors), ending with a still of what appears to be Bloody Marie holding a sword up to Valentine's neck, with Double standing behind Valentine. Perhaps Bloody Marie forced her into a "you will be spared if you obey my commands" situation.
  • There's the above, but for those wondering about what Valentine did to Painwheel, her trope page itself says she was not happy about working on her and Brain Drain's plans for her. Perhaps she wants to Mercy Kill the poor thing?
  • All of the above is confirmed in Valentine's story mode. Although the part about Painwheel is in fact the other way around; she wants Painwheel to kill her to atone for what she did.

The Skullheart can't really grant wishes

All it does is turn girls into monsters. The whole "needing a pure heart" story was a lie invented by the Skullheart's creator to trick girls into trying to make wishes on it. It'd be impossible to disprove, since no one has a truly "pure" heart -- everyone is at least capable of evil, and the very act of wishing is inherently selfish too.

  • Not if you wish for world peace.
    • Also if you wish for world peace. "I want peace so that I don't worry about anything anymore".
    • If old plotlines haven't changed, then we know that Annie of the Stars was granted immortality due to someone else's wish on the Skull Heart, and Bloody Marie was revived from the dead via a wish on it. And, as the other person noted, the Queen's wish for peace. The thing definitely does seem to grant wishes, albeit in twisted ways. This Troper's theory is that it will always grant a wish, but it holds "pure" to such an impossible or alien standard that anyone who dares to wish will be guaranteed to turn into a Skullgirl.
  • Not true. In multiple story mode endings, the character being played as can get their wish. For example, right before the boss fight, Marie admits to Cerebella that she's totally pure of heart-but she must be killed since the Medici family is evil.

Filia is the only person that's capable of using the Skull Heart safely.

Before Samson got attached to her head, Filia wasn't considered "pure of heart." However, her memory loss actually made her eligible for that requirement, due to the memory loss most likely changing her personality quite a bit. If the old plotlines haven't changed, this means Samson's plan of turning Filia into the Skullgirl will most likely backfire on him. And Filia will probably wish for her parents back, or something to that effect.

  • Jossed. In her story mode ending, Filia makes a wish using the Skull Heart but is told she will still turn into the next Skullgirl. Her transformation will simply be slower due to making an almost pure wish.
    • It's actually Cerebella who is pure enough of heart to be able to use the Skull Heart safely -- and she REFUSES.
      • Someone who shakes people down for the Mafia has the purest heart... Either the Skull Heart was lying, or it's a terrible judge of character...

Ms. Fortune is a major case of Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass and/or Beware the Silly Ones.

She's probably the silliest member of the playable cast bar Peacock, with her lame puns and goofy animations, yet she managed to turn her Immortality into a unique fighting style. For all we know, she may be the biggest Badass too.

  • Confirmed, kinda. If her actions in Cerebella's story are anything to go by, Ms. Fortune wants to use the Skull Heart to completely destroy the Medici mafia. When she doesn't get it in that story, she STILL vows that she'll destroy them all. Underneath the puns, the kitty has claws.

After Squigly and Umbrella are released....

We will get a playable Marie, Venus and Aeon as DLC to follow up on the canon storyline, followed by Black Dahlia, Leduc, Beowulf and more.

  • I can't help but wonder how Marie will be made playable if they are really released as DLC.

Venus and Aeon are alternate versions of Umbrella and Parasoul.

They are from an alternate timeline where Queen Nancy was never stopped and corrupted her daughters. It's why "Mother" has the same outline. Venus is if Umbrella grew up and absorbed her weapon or gained an eating disorder. Aeon is if Parasoul stopped aging earlier. If anything is different about Parasoul's hidden eye, Aeon will open hers and show she has the same condition.

The Life Gem and Skull Heart are sister artifacts.

One gives immortal life and the other turns you into a corrupted lich. If M.Fortune accepts the Skull Heart, her blood will flow through the Heart and the two will cancel each other out in a Bittersweet Ending.

  • Or the Life Gem is created from the Skull Heart. Skullgirl blood makes Painwheel shake off injuries, and the Life Gem was always a crystallized lump of it.

Candidacy for the Skullgirl is being an orphan.

Cerebella, M.Fortune, and Valentine see their associates as their family. Filia and Painwheel are at the least separated from their parents. Parasoul and Umbrella's mother is dead and their father is missing. Just as Patricia and Marie are war orphans, anybody could have lost their parents in the war. A Skullgirl is someone who was lured and adopted by Mother, which is why her daughters look so dissimilar.

Double IS the "Mother"!

If one looks at the statue in the cathedral stage, one may notice a similarity between the middle statue and Double. They both have that strange head thing and that creepy side face among other similarities... The reason she talks about the "Mother" in 3rd person is that Double isn't speaking, the Nun is!

All wishes made on the Skull Heart will be corrupted, and the wisher WILL become a Skullgirl, regardless of the wisher's purity.

Take Parasoul's ending. Her wish is amongst the most selfless and pure made: she simply doesn't want her sister to become a Skullgirl. Even then, the Skull Heart warns that she will become a Skullgirl in time. Based on this, this troper has to assume that it doesn't matter how pure a girl's heart may be: she makes a wish on the Skull Heart, and she's gonna become a Skullgirl.

  • Agreeable. Fillia Just wants Painwheel to have her old life back but is still corrupted anyway. In fact, the only way to disprove this would be if Cerebella were to use it. she doesn't so...

The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You from Painwheel.

  • Take a look at this quote from her ending:

Painwheel: Do you really think you can control me? The truth is...you're next!

    • You would think that's foreshadowing her plans to destroy Lab Zero, but what are you playing the game with? Why yes, you are using a controller! But unfortunately for you...Painwheel doesn't like to be controlled.

Red Eyes indicate union between supernatural and human

  • The Skullgirl has red eyes. Filia, Painwheel and Squigly have all bonded with a parasite and have red eyes - and Painwheel has synthetic Skullgirl blood in her body too. Peacock's mechanical eyes are red. Valentine serves the Skullgirl and has cross-shaped eyes, probably not natural. Double has red eyes and it's a Eldritch Abomination in humanlike form. Umbrella has pink eyes and is attracted to the Skullgirl.
    • What about Parasoul? Her eyes are orange.
      • Her umbrella is a living weapon and perhaps she's partially bonded with it; it's not a part of her, but it likely only responds to her commands. This could also explain Umbrella's pink eyes; it could be their umbrellas can only bond with their owners, to keep non-royals from using them. Cerebella's weapon doesn't bond with its owner because Vitale doesn't want it to; it makes it easier to replace his enforcers.
    • Doctor Avian has red eyes. But he doesn't appear to have any kind of cool special abilities at all... There are also several unnamed NPCs with red eyes who don't appear to be playable or otherwise in the spotlight.
      • True, but just because they're supernatural doesn't mean their powers are awesome; they could easily be Blessed with Suck. And even if they had powers, it doesn't mean they all choose to use them. Plus, if Avian's got them, that could easily be foreshadowing: sure, he dies in at least one ending, but all of the endings are completely independent of each other.

Skullgirls shares a universe with Madoka Magica, and it takes place after Madoka becomes Magical Girl Jesus.

The Skull Heart is an Artifact of Doom forged by the QB's, which is why it always corrupts the user's wish (the "pure of heart" thing is a crock because few people would seek the heart if they knew it would corrupt them). Bloody Marie is the spitting image of a PMMM-style Puella Magi; it isn't unheard of them to be evil, and arguably, fighting The Mafia isn't especially evil anyway, and the Skull Heart functions exactly as a Soul Gem should. This is why Marie is still alive despite taking enough damage that she's missing most of her skin, and also why she's such a wicked boss. Her theme is of a maid because her wish was to completely clean New Meridian of the Medici Mafia. Double is basically a super-demon, the demon equivalent of a Walpurgis Night-class witch. And speaking of untold amounts of damage, the Life Gem is also a Soul Gem, albeit an empty one, but one which now contains Ms. Fortune's soul because she ate it.

  • Also, the universe is as messed up as it is because after Madoka became the ultimate Magical Girl, she ran out of demons to slay and became the ultimate witch. Remember, she only protected OTHER magical girls from becoming witches; there's nothing that said SHE was protected from the same fate....Wait, no, yes there was. She destroyed her own witch form, nevermind.

The world will end when more Renoirs are added to the roster.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in German are Pest(Pestilence), Krieg(War), Hunger(Famine), and Tod(Death). Parasoul and Umbrella use umbrellas called Krieg and Hungern. When their parents return, they will have the other two and bring about the Canopocalypse: Umbrellageddon.

The Skull Heart came from a terrible love affair.

  • We know that the Skull Heart focuses totally on women, right? So what if it was a gift... Like, the Grim Reaper himself took his heart out and gave it to the girl he loved? What if she was pure of heart but was too afraid of the Reaper to love him? Heartbroken, he went to the Mother, and she enchanted the heart so that it would grant wishes, but only to the 'pure of heart'. Convinced that his maiden was pure, he brought the heart back and disguised himself as a handsome young man. His wife-to-be, enchanted by his appearance, is far more receptive to his approach now.
  • When he showed her the heart again, she was terrified. He calmed her down and told her it would grant her one wish.
    • She was so hypnotized by his visage that she wished them to be 'together forever'. The Reaper stood horrified as the woman of his dreams turned into the Skullgirl. She was forced to be a human weapon of unparalelled destruction, and he was forced to aid her and every other Skull Girl after her. The Skull Heart contains the jealousy and anger of the original Skullgirl, forced to spend all eternity in a spiritual prison. Whenever a new Skullgirl appears, he dedicates his life to protecting her. If he ever appeared in the actual storyline, he would be the second challenger, in his human form and carrying a tommy gun (he would be the weakest enemy in story mode due to him having no special powers he can use against the Skullgirl, for fear of killing her). He would also be the last boss, taking posession of the Skull heart and becoming a hulking Reaper. Worth a shot.
      • Before you ask, the reason why she was impure of heart is because she was too enchanted with the Reaper's power and what he could do rather than actually loving him.
      • That tommy gunner that appears in Marie's fight? Those and the shadows that fight for her are the Reaper.
      • Jossed. If you stop the picture when the Shadow attacks, you can see a woman-like figure with the Mother's triune crown. It would make more sense to say that the Skull Heart was a weapon used against the Mother and stole half of her power. That would explain the great deal of horror that happens and would explain the reasoning behind Double. Double is posessed by the true bad guy while her original psyche believes she does nothing wrong. When her eyes glow red, she is the Big Bad. Also, why does the Skull Girl need another servant ie: Double? While it does seem promising, the Reaper is not strictly necesarry, and may even end up as the final boss. After all, he gets the power of the Mother and tons of dead people to boss around...

Fillia is impure because she caused Painwheel's transformation...but not exactly how you'd think.

  • As you may have noticed in Painwheel's story, there's a picture of a girl with blonde hair with a group of friends with her. After some research, this is apparently Fillia before Samson took over her hair. In the past, Fillia was actually an Alpha Bitch who tormented poor Carol!Painwheel in school. This eventually lead to Carol!Painwheel having a breakdown and she ran out of school, crying. With nobody around outside of school, a certain nurse with 36E breasts found the perfect test subject to kidnap...and thus, Painwheel was born. Fillia found out the next day that Carol had suddenly vanished after her breakdown, and she felt a little bit of guilt, AKA the main reason the Skullheart says she's impure. Somehow, even with her memories erased, that just never really left until she ran into Painwheel, who claimed to know her. If you've played Fillia's story, you know the rest.
    • Didn't Valentine object to the experimentation performed on Painwheel, though?
    • She didn't want to, but it's implied Brain Drain forced her into it.

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