Skippy: Adventures in Bushtown
Skippy: Adventures in Bushtown is an animated children's series created by Yoram Gross of Blinky Bill fame. It is set around a fictionalised Australian town. It differs from the other Skippy series as it is animated and features anthropomorphic animal characters. Skippy, for example, is a kangaroo who wears a baseball cap.
Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, voiced by Keith Scott, is a young park ranger (possibly early 20s) who resides in Bushtown. He always happens to get in the way of Mayor Croco; his greedy wife, Suka; his pack of goons, and his frequent get-rich schemes which often endanger the town.
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Tropes used in Skippy: Adventures in Bushtown include:
- The Ace: Skippy
- Adorkable: Pos the cameraman possum. Skippy also has shades of this trope in his personality.
- A Load of Bull: Sirloin
- Australian Accent: Most of the cast.
- Badass Adorable: Skippy.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Skippy
- Big Bad: Croco, but Suka could count as well.
- Bungling Inventor: Professor McPouch
- Cowardly Lion: Pos.
- Deadpan Snarker: Pos
- Disguised in Drag: Pos in one episode, he REALLY hates it.
- Kangaroos Represent Australia: Skippy and Matilda
- Expy: Sirloin is basically a bull version of Sylvester Stallone.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Skippy
- The Lancer: Pos (sometimes The Smart Guy)
- The Smart Guy: Professor McPouch
- The Big Guy: Bomba
- The Chick: Matilda
- Hollywood Tone Deaf: Suka
- Hot Scoop: Matilda
- Nice Guy: Skippy
- No Export for You: Made in Australia, released on DVD only in Australia, region 4 - locked.
- No Shirt, Long Jacket: Pos
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Skippy sometimes uses these to great effect, including a fake doctor, to fulfill some goal.
- Pig Man: Bruiser
- Pretty Boy: If the show were anime, Skippy and Pos would most definitely be furry Bishonen
- The Quiet One: Pos
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Croco and his wife, Suka.
- Rich Bitch: Suka
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Pos, full stop
- Southern Gentlemen: Skippy pretends to be one in one episode to trick Croco into handing over an associate's old ferry the crocodile was intent on destroying.
- Ungrateful Bastard: Croco, Skippy saves his life in the first episode and he becomes a Jerkass mayor.
- Villainous Crossdresser: Croco in one episode.
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