Single Father
Dave and his four- wait, five- kids
Single Father is a BBC mini-series about a recently widowed father of five starring David Tennant.
Set in Glasgow, Single Father follows Dave as he deals with the sudden death of his long time partner, Rita. He is left with the four children they were raising together: Lucy (15), Rita's daughter from a previous relationship; and their three biological children: Paul (11), Ewan (9), and Evie (5). Other major characters include Rita's best friend Sarah, who steps in to help Dave with the kids as much as possible, Dave's other older daughter from his previous marriage (Tanya, herself a mother) and Anna, Rita's adoptive sister and her husband Robin.
Tropes used in Single Father include:
- Absurdly Youthful Mother: Tanya, Dave's daughter from his first marriage. She's 18 and has a 3-year-old son. That's right, Dave is a grandfather too.
- Amicably Divorced: Dave and his first wife.
- Babies Ever After: Sarah is pregnant in the last episode. Dave is about to become a father...again!
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: Lucy, justifiably lashing out in the wake of her mother's death.
- Disappeared Dad: Lucy's real father, whom Rita kept secret from Lucy up until her death. Lucy's search for him after provides a significant plotline.
- Heroic BSOD: Dave after Rita dies, summed up by his aimless motorcycle riding at night. Here's another breakdown scene.
- Hot Dad: Dave is played by David Tennant.
- Maybe Ever After: For Dave and Sarah.
- Missing Mom: Of course. Rita's absence from the children's lives is a major part of the drama.
- Plot-Triggering Death: Rita's.
- Romancing The Widower: Deconstructed. Dave and Sarah's burgeoning romance is taut with the presence of Rita's memory and how quickly they seem to have gotten together after her death.
- Your Cheating Heart: Sarah cheats on her boyfriend Matt with Dave.
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