< Silver Surfer

Silver Surfer/YMMV

The Marvel Comics character:

  • My Real Daddy: There are Silver Surfer fans who dislike the Stan Lee speech giving Messiah take of the character. These fans instead go for Steve Englehart (who brought political intrigue and romance into the character's life, as well as got him freed from Earth), Jim Starlin (Space Opera storylines with Thanos as Surfer's rival), Ron Marz (action-based stories with Marz fleshing out Surfer's rogue gallery of enemies as well as bringing back all of the former heralds of Galactus to interact with each other), or George Perez (who did a massive arc where Surfer had to travel through an unexplored galaxy after being teleported into the region).
  • Tear Jerker: Silver Surfer: Requiem and Silver Surfer: Homecoming. Full stop.
  • The Woobie: Midnight Sun, especially when you consider what his life was life BEFORE the Kree got ahold of him.
    • Nova counts too, once she realizes that Galactus doesn't care at all about her.
  • Too Good to Last: The original Silver Surfer comic series.

The NES game:

  • Badass Decay: Silver Surfer himself, in the most blatant example possible; going from near-godlike powers to dying in one hit from the slightest tap from literally anything, including rubber ducks.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The soundtrack for this game is surprisingly popular on the internet, particularly Reptyl's stage.
    • The quality of the music is simply amazing by primitive NES standards.
  • Excuse Plot
  • Nintendo Hard: Being a NES game this shouldn't be a surprise.
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