< Silent Hill 2

Silent Hill 2/Awesome

  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: When James comes to his sudden understanding of the meaning behind Pyramid Head's existence. After spendng the entire game in denial and more or less running from himself, he finally mans up and faces the truth head on.

James: I was weak.
That's why I needed you.
Needed someone to punish me for my sins...
But that's all over now...
I know the truth...
Now it's time to end this.

    • That part can also double as a moment of Fridge Brilliance if you consider that James is speaking not only about Pyramid Head, but also Maria. He's finally done with them reminding him of his sin.
    • Right when the video finishes (Room 312), and you're left watching James just sit there in a dead silent room, realizing what he's done. Also a Tear Jerker right when the music starts.
    • Arguably the entire game for the psychological survival horror genre.
  • Eddie, of Silent Hill 2, doesn't really give an impression of awesomeness at first; being described as an obese and useless man, which for the most part he is. However, after Silent Hill drives him completely nutzoid, he has some of the best lines in the game.
    • Ah, yes.

Eddie: From now on, if anyone makes fun of me... I’ll kill em. Just like that. * he puts a gun to his head to emphasize this.*
James: Eddie, have you gone nuts?

James shows his skill at talking down the insane.

    • And don't forget Eddie's final monologue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PlP0UF7ZeE and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZE03IKmaSQ
    • Every single time Pyramid Head is on screen is a CMOA. He is always either raping a fellow monster or doing something just as brutal and despicable. However, his best appearance is his first. After wandering around a pitch black generally creepy but overall uneventful apartment complex for a little while, you hear a scream. As you walk down the darkened hallway, which had previously been devoid of activity, James's radio starts going absolutely crazy with static, despite there being no discernible threat. Finally, James reaches a fence blocking him from the rest of the hallway. Just on the other side, barely visible in the shadows, standing completely still, is Pyramid Head. He is just looking at you doing nothing, but the combination of his huge knife, the overwhelming radio static, and the terrifying lighting, plus the slightly jarring and unorthodox lack of a cutscene to introduce arguably the most memorable antagonist in the series, make this an epic moment of creepiness and possibly the most ridiculously awesome character entrance in gaming history.
      • Pyramid Head gets a great CMOA in Homecoming, because the new look for his Great Knife is quite possibly the only bit of visual symbolism in the game that actually fits the plot, and what he does with it makes it even better.
    • After realizing what he did and that his ordeal through Silent Hill was his punishment, James gets one himself when he stares down the two Pyramid Heads and coldly declares that it's time to end things. The Pyramid Heads actually take a step back.
    • James gets another one when he comes across his first Patient Demon. He stares it down, and then picks up a 2X4 to beat the monster to death. It's even more badass when the player picked up the chainsaw, but used the plank anyway.
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