Sid the Science Kid
Sid the Science Kid is a CGI children's show produced by Jim Henson Productions. The show follows young Sid and his friends, May, Gerald, and Gabriela, along with their teacher, Teacher Susie. Sid is a budding scientist who regularly asks why things happen, what causes what, and also sings songs about it.
The show ran from September 2008 to March 2013, and was followed by a movie with the original voice cast and special guest voice Christopher Lloyd.
Tropes used in Sid the Science Kid include:
- A Boy and His X: When Sid's grandmother gets a dog, Sid begins to wonder if they can talk.
- All CGI Cartoon
- Animal Motifs: For starters, Sid's pajamas are covered in bees.
- Because I Said So: Averted.
- Blind Without'Em: May, apparently.
- Class Trip: In later episodes.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: The kids' science journals.
- Constantly Curious: Sid could give the original Trope Namer a run for his money.
- Cool Old Lady: Sid's grandmother.
- Cool Teacher: Susie
- Crazy Enough to Work
- Dynamic Entry: Gerald is always the last to enter the classroom, and he's usually doing something related to the plot on the way in.
- Edutainment Show
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Guess Sid's favorite subject!
- Fiery Redhead: Gerald.
- Good, Open Minded Parents
- Halloween Episode: Each child is told of their costume's practical applications.
- Bat Out of Hell: Sid
- Dem Bones: Gerald
- Giant Spider: Gabriella.
- Meganekko: May.
- Imagine Spot: Sid and his classmates are five years old. They can be given a pass.
- It's Always Spring: Lampshaded in the Christmas Episode; Sid is about to visit a relative in Minnesota, and wonders why it's never cold and snowy where he lives.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: May.
- Limited Wardrobe: Only subverted when Sid goes to bed, but then it's the same pajamas every night. Other than that, he's seen wearing the same clothing every episode, as well as the rest of the cast.
- Name's the Same: Mort, Alice, May, Gerald, Gabriella, and Zeke.
- No Antagonist
- Only One Name: It's obvious that Sid, Alice, Mort, and Zeke are a family, but there's no last name given. Teacher Susie is commonly referred to as Susie.
- Plucky Comic Relief: Gerald.
- Punny Name: Go ahead, guess.
- Stock Footage
- Strictly Formula: Sid proposes a hypothesis, has breakfast, and asks his mom or dad about his hypothesis. Then, Sid goes off to school. After that, he interviews his friends before school starts. Rug Time is where Sid tells his friends and teacher about his question before they run off to get their science notebooks and the actual learning takes place. During the Super Fab Lab, they conduct an experiment based on the question posed at the beginning. Next is playtime, where they either play Pretend (in which Gabriela is usually the mom), Good Laughternoon (a joke segment), or just having fun around on the playground. Finally, Teacher Susie sings an often catchy song about the topic and Sid goes home. At the end of the episode, Sid tells us his Super-Duper-Ooper-Schmooper Big Idea! and he's off to bed, ready to do it all again the next day.
- Almost every episode (except for specials) is part of a week-long unit related to a topic. Each Friday, Sid's class has a science lab session outside, and everyone reviews what they learned.
- Title Theme Tune: "I'm Sid, the Science Kid!"
- Twofer Token Minority: Alice is black. Mort is Jewish.
- Very Special Episode: "Getting a Shot: You Can Do It!"
- When I Was Your Age
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
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