Shredded Moose
Shredded Moose was a NSFW gaming comic created by Brian Krümm and Chris Hall. It detailed the adventure of two Jerkass gamer protagonists, Brew and Trip. The strip had become rather notorious for having gratuitous amounts of violence towards pretty much anyone the protagonists meet, and high amounts of needless sexual content. Because of this, and having enough superficial similarities to Penny Arcade to make it seem like something of a rip-off, Shredded Moose had developed a very strong Hatedom after a scathing review from "Your Webcomic is Bad and You Should Feel Bad".
Newer strips seemed to have become tamer.
The domain name expired, with apparently no new site to replace it, making the comic and all of its infamy Lost Forever. Some is archived (here).
- Author Avatar: Brew and Trip.
- Author Filibuster: Brew's basically every negative stereotype about Libertarians rolled into one and made worse. He did a comic opposing gun control which featured a woman shooting a criminal with a shotgun while he was literally inches away from her son, and the last panel featured mother and son smiling at the "camera" while covered in blood splatter.
- Bloodier and Gorier: At least it's very cartoonish blood and gore.
- Corrupt the Cutie: What happens to half the children shown in the comic.
- Dead Baby Comedy: Again, attempted.
- Disproportionate Retribution: The protagonists just love this
- Dumb Is Good: Subverted, in that all of the things the "good" dumb hero does are actually near-unforgivable.
- Hey, if they're going to insult the intelligence of anyone who reads the comic, it logically follows that they should insult anyone with intelligence who reads the comic.
- Evil Redhead: One of the Straw Feminists is supposedly this.
- Fan Service Pack: The orc. Subverted, in that, like all of the alleged "Hotter and Sexier" elements, it's really Fan Disservice.
- GIFT: The reason this webcomic exists.
- Hatedom: The only reason this comic has a page here.
- Hotter and Sexier: Supposedly.
- Hypocrite: Ripping off Penny Arcade, then criticizing it-- for being "edgy" of all things.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Brew slices an innocent woman in half with one.
- Kill the Cutie: What happens to the other half of the children.
- Male Gaze: Constantly.
- Moral Dissonance: Oh. So. Much.
- Orphaned Series
- Poe's Law: Some suspect the comic is a brilliant Stealth Parody, although that could just be our natural attempt to maintain our faith in humanity. Regardless, if it really is, the emphasis would have to be on "stealth".
- Rule 34: Every woman shown winds up naked. In a gaming comic.
- Straw Feminist: Portrayed as angry orcs.
- Two Gamers on a Couch: The premise, ostensibly.