< Shower of Love
Shower of Love/Playing With
- Basic Trope: A couple showers together
- Played Straight: Alice and Bob take a shower together
- Exaggerated: Alice and Bob actually have sex in the shower.
- Inverted: Alice and Bob shower separately
- Justified: Alice and Bob are a very intimate couple who maybe want to try something new during sex.
- On a pragmatic level, showering together (theoretically, at least!) saves time and water.
- Subverted: Alice gets in the shower alone, while Bob brushes his teeth.
- Alice and Bob shower together, but don't have sex.
- Double Subverted: But then Bob joins her in the shower. Cue Sexy Discretion Shot.
- But then The Mood strikes, and Coitus Ensues when they get out.
- Deconstructed: Shower sex isn't without its challenges: it can be slippery, and water tends to wash away the body's natural lubricants.
- Reconstructed: Alice and Bob can shower together, but save the actual sex for when they get out, or they can find a position to use that won't result in slipping and falling and hurting themselves on hard surfaces, and use lubricants (usually silicone-based) that are water-sex friendly.
- Parodied: Alice and Bob use the soap as not only a lubricant, but an actual sex toy.
- Alice and Bob get into a shower stall...and literally sing together.
- Lampshaded: "Save water, shower with me, Alice!"
- Averted: Alice and Bob don't shower together.
- Enforced: We need to make this Hotter and Sexier
- Invoked: Alice and Bob are Insatiable Newlyweds on their honeymoon.
- Defied: Alice and Bob don't find the shower a sexy setting (see "Deconstructed"), so they have sex either before or after they shower.
- Alice and Bob don't believe in showering together.
- Discussed:
- Conversed:
- Played For Laughs: Alice and Bob can't get into a good position in the cramped stall shower, slip on the soap, etc.
- Played For Drama: Alice and Bob are having make-up sex.
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