Short Cuts
Short Cuts is a 1993 film that is directed by Robert Altman. The story follows 22 "ordinary" people, including two couples, a baker, and a little kid, who go through their ordinary lives but still most end in death. Each story has a loose connection from the last story with many loose ends. The film was based off of nine short stories written by Raymond Carver.
The film was nominated for Academy Award Best Director and won Golden Globe for Best Screenplay. The Film currently holds a 94% on RottenTomatoes.
Not to be confused with the manga Short Cuts.
Tropes used in Short Cuts include:
- Always Murder: The premise of the story.
- Convenient Coma
- Dirty Cop
- Divorce Assets Conflict: A husband facing an impending messy divorce saws every piece of the couple's furniture in two.
- Disposing of a Body
- Loads and Loads of Characters
- Make It Look Like an Accident: A few of the deaths end this way.
- Meddlesome Patrolman: Gene takes advantage of his uniform to pull over good-looking women and ask them for dates.
- Not Cheating Unless You Get Caught: What Gene, the cop, goes by.
- Please Put Some Clothes On: Dr. Ralph twice deals with this, once when walking in on his wife's friend posing for a nude portrait, and again when his wife berates him while bottomless.
- Punch-Drunk Love: Earl
- Ten Little Murder Victims: Subverted, since there are 22 people.
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