Shira Oka: Second Chances/Characters
The angel who is your guide to high school.
- Blatant Lies / Paper-Thin Disguise: A girl from Sweden named Satsuki? Sure, why not? It doesn't help that she mistakenly says she's from Switzerland once on the first cycle.
- Slowly becomes a rather competent disguise the more cycles you go through till about 5 where it's damn near perfect.
- Guardian Angel
- Our Angels Are Different
- Plot Twist Is a bit of Kasumi that died the first time she attempted suicide.
- Time Travel: She's a guardian angel that sends you back in time to suck less.
Aya Hirakata
Voiced by: Stephanie Sheh
Your first friend who doesn't like school and is a huge fan of manga.
- Achievements in Ignorance: Her sci-fi stories are apparently very close to the real conspiracies underlying the town.
- Beauty Equals Goodness: Aya invokes this in one of her ideas for a manga.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Genki Girl
- I Just Want to Have Friends: It's revealed in her path that she really wants to be popular, have everyone be her friend, and take her seriously.
- Jerkass: Shades of it.
- No Sense of Humor: In the sense that all her jokes are either bad or offensive. Sometimes both.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Kiku's blue.
Kiku Matsumoto
A wealthy friend of Aya's who is part of a powerful family. She is part of the Ikebana Club and enjoys dancing.
- Hime Cut
- Lethal Chef
- Lonely Rich Kid
- Multiple Endings: Gaining her approval requires gaining Aya's approval, and generally means that her ending comes after Aya's. However, it is possible to get hers before Aya's.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Aya's red.
Alice Avery
Voiced by: Julie Ann Taylor
An American exchange student who loves playing and listening to music.
- Crutch Character: Not in the traditional RPG sense, but her lack of knowledge of Japanese culture means that she gets scenes even when your scores are very low. Additionally, the annual Culture Festivals are an easy way of gaining her approval.
- Foreign Exchange Student: From America.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Hiroshi's red.
Naoko Ogawa
Voiced by: Laura Bailey
A sweet caring woman who had traveled all over the world. She really loves to cook and invent recipes - even if she isn't good at it.
- Friend to All Living Things: Even baby kaiju.
- Lethal Chef: When she tries to cook something from a recipe she makes herself.
- My Beloved Smother: To Kazuki. Subverted, as she is Kazuki's sister.
Kazuki Ogawa
Voiced by: Michael Sinterniklaas
Naoko's little brother who loves fixing things and is really smart.
- Ho Yay: It is implied in his ending that you and him end up "more than friends" so to speak.
- I Just Want to Have Friends
Hiroshi Sakuragi
Voiced by: Jason Griffith
Rena's overprotective older brother. He is a genius and a self proclaimed 'ladies man'. He's into athletics and Naoko.
- The Ace
- Big Brother Instinct: He is quite protective of Rena.
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Ho Yay: A possible ending.
- Insufferable Genius
- Jerkass
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Alice's blue.
- Sore Loser
- Smug Snake
Rena Sakuragi
Hiroshi's little sister who believes in the supernatural and talks about strange things.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Aya and her don't get along despite their similarities.
- Ditzy Genius: Rena may be a ditz, but she's had several scholarships offered to her because of her writing skills.
- Have We Met Yet?: Probably the only case where you can actually talk to someone before they actually introduce themselves and have them NOT think you're creepy. If you get her phone number and call her at the start of a new cycle, not only will she know who you are already (to YOUR character's surprise), you can actually tell her the truth and she won't be the least bit phased by it.
- What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?? Everything about her. Mostly her ending.
Suzu Inoue
Voiced by: Laura Bailey
A really smart girl and a friend of Kazuki's who makes a habit of making inventions out of junk.
Yui Arakawa
Voiced by: Laura Bailey
A shy mysterious girl who keeps to herself.
- Dead All Along
- Eating Lunch Alone: Seems to be a habit of hers. She even gets up and runs if all three male characters agree to try to make her laugh.
- Loners Are Freaks
- Mysterious Past
- Rescue Romance: If your sports stat is high enough for the event that triggers the second loop.
- Shrinking Violet
- The Woobie
Kasumi Kusanagi
A depressed girl who thinks about deep things and feels that no one understands her.
- Brilliant but Lazy / Book Dumb: Subverted. Kasumi is rather intelligent, but tends to bomb her tests because she simply doesn't see them as important.
- Driven to Suicide Happens in every route but her own.
- Golden Ending Her path is the very last path. Satsuko will even instruct you not to bother with this one until you complete the others.
- Insufferable Genius
- Jerkass Woobie
- Loners Are Freaks