Ship in a Bottle (webcomic)
Ship in a Bottle is an adult webcomic written by Mace Paladino, drawn by Tira-chan, Mace Paladino and Glance Reviver, and colored by Mace Paladino and Tessa Green.
Mild-mannered college student Alan Parker finds himself in a Harvest Moon style scenario in that he has inherited his grandfather's business: not a farm, but a curio shop. During the cleaning process, he stumbles upon a magical bottle containing Shiphrah (Ship), a genie belonging to Alan's great-grandpappy and is now Alan's by possession of the bottle.
Updates Mondays (hopefully).
All Links considered NSFW
Tropes used in Ship in a Bottle (webcomic) include:
- All There in the Manual: Bonus pay-site comics explain the nature of genie rules and, of course, provide sexier material.
- Art Shift
- Taken to the extreme when the arist changed.
- Benevolent Genie: Ship.
- Bi the Way: Ship.
- Also Beatrice. She enjoys the company of men, but prefers women.
- Bigger Is Better in Bed: Ship seems to think Alan has it down there, but its exact size tends to vary depending on the artist.
- Can Not Tell a Lie: Genies are forbidden from directly lying to their masters.
- Coitus Ensues: Subverted. The sex scenes usually do end up having to do with the plot...or at least the conversations just after the sex.
- Face Fault: Right here.
- Fish Out of Temporal Water: Doesn't really come up in the main story, but it was explored in one bonus strip.
- Flat Earth Atheist: Averted. Beatrice, wannabe robotics mad scientist, immediately recognizes Ship as a genie, considers how much sex she would have with her and plans to use her to Take Over the World.
- Freudian Excuse: Beatrice's rant while deciding on a wish implies a crappy home life and lack of friends turned her to evil.
- Genie in a Bottle
- Half-Human Hybrid: Clara is Ship's half-human daughter.
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad: Inverted. Clara's mother is a genie and her father was human.
- Humongous Mecha: Beatrice pulls one out to attack the school and lure Ship out.
- Insane Troll Logic: Beatrice briefly considered wishing for world peace just because no one would expect that from a bad guy.
- Jackass Genie: Shaytan.
- The Kid with the Remote Control: Subverted; Beatrice gives one to her minion, Bear, to control the Humongous Mecha not for good, but to wreak havoc.
- Loveable Sex Maniac: Ship. She doesn't wait but five minutes before telling her new master to get her in the sack.
- Beatrice is this as well.
- as is Clara...
- Mad Scientist: Beatrice really wants to be this.
- Magical Girlfriend: Alan actually attempts to subvert this and keep their relationship professional. It didn't last.
- Marshmallow Hell: Deliberately invoked by Ship.
- Mind Control Eyes: Trixie
- Naked on Arrival: Justified in that Ship was taking a bath.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: Bea when she starts attacking the school. She even does the pose.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Ship seems to be much more canny than she lets on, and handily manipulates Beatrice into surrendering her bottle.
- Oblivious to Love: Alan.
- The Power of Friendship: Ship turns Beatrice to the side of good by letting her be her friend. Justified in that that was all Beatrice really needed and used acts of evil to lash out more than anything.
- Psycho Lesbian: Beatrice, but it's more she has psycho tendencies as well as being a lesbian than it is being a lesbian made her psycho.
- subverted; later strips reveal that Beatrice isn't fully lesbian, but rather she is bisexual with lesbian tendencies.
- Pun-Based Title
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: After Trixie gets her wish from Shaytan, her eyes turn red.
- Schedule Slip: The production team can do a lot of things. Updating on time isn't one of them.
- The team has been improving on this, however.
- Super Strength: Demonstrated on this page.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Ship has had blue, pink and black hair.
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