< Ship Tease < Anime and Manga

Ship Tease/Anime and Manga/Pokémon

Poké Shipping

  • Back in the early days, there was Ash/Misty teasing going on since about the eighth episode. One of the most prominent examples is when the end of summer festival episode (the Ghost of Maiden's Peak to be precise). Ash sees Misty in a kimono, with her hair down, and his reaction could not have been more Shoujo...
      • Not to mention Misty's jealous reaction to Melody flirting with Ash in the second movie. And how about the time Team Rocket teased Ash and Misty on their airship? No? I'll shut up.
    • A double whammy for Ash/Misty in episode 198 of the original series: When Brock meets a girl who falls in love with him, she talks about how she wants to marry Brock. Ash makes an offhanded comment about how weird it would be if Brock got married. Misty then says "You and I will be married someday, too." Ash first nods his head, then reacts accordingly when he realizes just how Misty said it (This). Of course, her dialogue was very different in the Japanese version, but it still counts as 4Kids-fuelled tease at least.
      • Then later, when Misty is lecturing Brock on how to talk to the girl who's madly in love with him, she says "Take it from me: it's a lot easier to like someone who likes you, then to like someone who doesn't." Brock then asks how she knows this. Cue major blushing and a feeble attempt at explaining it.

Orange Shipping

  • One episode preview for Pokémon threw up a storm in the shipping fandom by focusing almost entirely on a romantic scene between Tracey and Misty, despite the latter's long-established crush on the protagonist. As it happened, the whole scene was just made up by one of Misty's sisters who thought that Tracey would make a handsome prince for her upcoming water ballet.
    • Then they did it again in the preview for the next episode both characters appeared in. This time was a blushing scene that turned out to just be over a photograph of the whole group in Team Rocket's latest scheme. It didn't help that Misty was holding her new baby Pokémon that she had received from Tracey.

Advance Shipping

  • Ash/May has had a lot of Ship Tease, too, mostly before all the Drew ones started happening, but there was some afterward too. ~Pokemon Ranger and The Temple Of The Sea~ is one of the Advanceshippers' favorites for obvious reasons.


  • May and Drew have their moments. Plenty of them. Including one scene where he hands her a rose after she wins a Contest... before saying that the rose is for May's Beautifly, not her. Mean? Yes. Complete ship tease? Also yes.

Rocket Shipping

Other Heterosexual Shippings

  • Diamond and Pearl opening theme High Touch! pretty much sounds like one big Ship Tease between Ash and Dawn.
  • Best Wishes appears to waste no time in throwing out some Ash/Iris Ship Tease right in the third episode. Goddamn you, writers!!
  • Cilan/Iris are also getting some teases. Love Triangle? umm more like three yay since cilan/ash had ship tease too
    • There is so much Ship Tease between Ash/Iris in the first five episodes of Black and White, it is pratically the equivalent of colonies of ghosts screaming in your face. Problem is, you can't see or hear them.
  • Cilan and Burgundy. Burgundy is incredibly obssessive over Cilan for beating her in a Gym battle. In her later appearances, she's rather kind and civil to everyone (people and Pokemon alike) except him. She's clearly a Tsundere.
      • It gets better: in her recent appearance, she and Cilan actually put aside their differences and did a Team Rocket Motto-esque sequence togther!
  • Dawn was a gary Fangirl and he didn't seem to mind
  • there were reggie/maylene ones too
  • Conway is seen atalking dawn in about every episode he's in
  • Gardenia may of had a crush on james

Various Yaoi/Yuri Pairings

  • While many of Pokémon's pairings are full of shiptease, Appealshipping (Zoey/Dawn) takes the cake. Their scenes together are just tinged with touchy-feely-blushy moments.
    • It doesn't help how hard Dawn took Zoey's words to heart.
      • Even before Zoey appeared in an episode, the pairing had tons of fans.
  • Palletshipping (Ash/Gary). There was an almost equal amount of teasing between them as there was Pokéshipping. Remember, the minute Gary was mentioned, Ash would forget about anything and focus on trying outdo him.
  • Cilan seemed really excited to join ash's team, and seemed overjoyted when he won the gym abttle againist him.
  • Also in Best Wishes, there was some shipping between Ash and Trip going on. Trip seems to have the same personality like Paul...until BW 022 when you realize he's a full blown Kuudere but this attitude is just limited to Ash only. In that episode the minute Ash tries to praise him, Trip avoids eye contact which is a huge sign to being a Kuudere. Next appearance, the Jerkass side of him is gone and replaced with nothing but Kuudere . Also, when does any of Ash's rival actually help him out when concerning one of his Pokemon? Trip would be the first if you don't count Gary after he Took a Level In Kindness.
    • Morty spends nearly all of For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll withdrawn and sullen. Bear in mind that in previous episodes he was outgoing and happy. The target of his attitude switch is his friend Eusine, who's shown up with a Suicune fixation and a bad temper, leading many in the fandom to believe that the two have an unresolved past relationship. Also bear in mind that Eusine's subsequent Legend of Thunder appearence has him in turn being upbeat and caring, so it may be a two-way street.
    • Brock and Ash have their fair share as well. Particularly in the episode "Two Degrees of Separation" where in one instance Brock introduces Ash to a female driver named Claudina who he'd been hoping to score with. Interesting to note that in the entire time he's doing so he's being all touchy feely with Ash, hugging him close and poking and prodding at his face in a playful manner. Later, he finds out that Claudina already has a boyfriend and she drives away. Which leads to this scene from the English dubbed version.
    • In the episode Love at First Flight May tricked Ash into dressing up as a woman they had just met, named Juliet, in order to help a man named Romeo confess the feelings that he had for Juliet. Brock tried to help out too and ended up getting carried away, even chasing poor Ash around and trying to hug him while declaring "My sweet Juliet! Heal me with your love!" * releases hearts*
    • Is this troper the only one who sees Some thing between Ash's Pikachu and Dawn's Piplup? (Granted that ending includes the other Pokémon too but still). If not, they're at least Heterosexual Life Partners or Those Two Guys.
    • This scene, where Seymour hugs Ash for saving him.
  • The Sinnoh arc pairs Ash with Paul, who is everything that Ash is not, including cold, cunning, and mean to his Pokemon. This causes enough confrontations for the Fangirls to flock to the pairing, claiming Paul's only a jerk because he wants Ash.
  • Also, Iris and her rival Georgia. Their heated rivalry confrontations frequently feature them very physically close to one another. There was also that instance where Luke's Zoura transforms into Georgia and Iris proceeds to touch it all over in order to use it like a puppet to mock Georgia.
  • Then there's Bianca, who has no sense of personal space towards Georgia or Burgundy.
  • Volkner and Flint are really close friends. Really close.

Various Human/Pokemon Pairings

  • Ash and Latias from the ~Pokemon Heroes~ movie. Latias has been openly crushing on Ash, in both human and Pokemon form.

In Games

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