Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica
In a world where spirits roam freely, there are people who can tame them and control them with the power of music. They are known as the Dantists, their music as Commandia. The world of Polyphonica focuses on one Dantist and his spirit. Phoron Tatara, lonely, made a contract years ago with a very powerful, if somewhat feisty, spirit, Corticarte Apa Lagranges. Their jobs at the Tsuge Dantist Office are told at a relaxing pace, with their coworkers and people they meet playing a large part.
Originally a Visual Novel, Polyphonica has had two anime adaptations. The first, aired in 2007, shared the name of the novel, and never quite became as great as it should. Off-Model issues and a pace that was, perhaps, too slow were present. But sometimes, another chance is given.
In 2009, a new anime, Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Crimson S, based on the Crimson series of Light Novels, aired. This one is set during Phoron's years at the Academy, detailing his journey from when he met Corti for the first time since the night where she liked his singing.
- Bishounen: Phoron. Many people have mistaken Phoron in the Crimson S prologue for a little girl.
- Actually, a lot of the male cast seems to be this. Renbart, Headmaster...the list goes on.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Corti wants Phoron to be hers and hers alone. Don't cross that line.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: The spirit Iyaritikki, complete with loads of hair drills.
- Emergency Transformation: Prinesca was saved by her father's spirit giving her life, effectively making her a sort of Half-Human Hybrid.
- Fan Service Pack: Episode six of Crimson S has Persete becoming much sexier all of a sudden when she spends the night with Phoron.
- Groin Attack: In Crimson S. It's a wake up call, Corticarte style!
- Half-Human Hybrid: Prinesca is both a spirit and a human.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Matia and Managa
- Improbable Weapon User: While not exactly lethal, in Crimson S, Prinesca likes to throw her shoe, usually at a certain bully.
- Killer Rabbit: The little tanuki-like thing that Danguis "contracts" in Crimson S turns out to actually be a bigger, more powerful tanuki-like thing.
- Lethal Chef: Corti once tried to make sandwiches for Phoron. It was one time too many.
- Magical Girlfriend: Corti, to some degree.
- Magic Music: The very basis of the world.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: The Crimson Annihilator.
- Non-Singing Voice: Phoron's singing voice is clearly not his own. Hiroshi Kamiya has sung before, but as Phoron (outside of his image songs), he doesn't.
- Off-Model: The first season of the anime, particularly the now-memetic car chase that defies physics.
- One Head Taller: Phoron is one head taller than Corti. When she is in her original form, she's the one who's taller.
- Ordinary High School Student: Phoron.
- Power Gives You Wings: Wing-like energy appears on the back of all spirits when they power up. More wings, more power. Corti has a particularly nice pair. Or three. Or four.
- Princess Curls: Iyaritikki has her hair done up in these.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: The Yugiri sisters. Persete is the outgoing one, Prinesca is the shy one.
- Sitting on the Roof: Phoron, at both the beginning and the end of Crimson S.
- Sleep Mode Size: 11 years before Crimson S, Corti was sealed by Ellendus and the Headmaster, so she ends up like this. She originally disliked it, but started doing otherwise after Phoron said she was cute like this.
- Spirit Song: Used towards the end of the series. Both the 2007 and the 2009 adaptations.
- Super Mode: When Phoron starts the Commandia and Corti returns to her original form, someone's getting Spirit Lightning'd.
- Theme Music Power-Up: Notable in that the characters literally make it. And fight with it.
- Trademark Favourite Food: Corti really likes her fried eggs sandwhiches. Too bad she's not all that good at making them herself.
- Transformation Sequence: Phoron's One Man Orchestra in Crimson S does have a bit of a fancy transformation for a simple piano.
- Transforming Mecha: Phoron's One Man Orchestra in its motorbike form. A bit elaborate, but also kind of cool.
- We Help the Helpless: What the Tsuge Dantist Office does, on a spiritual level.