Shining Tears X Wind
Shining Tears X Wind is an anime adaptation of the video game Shining Wind. It is about four High School students discovering End Earth a fantasy world that is parallel to theirs. Souma Akizuki the show's protagonist becomes the world's protector and must stop his two friends Kiriya and Saionji from killing each other. The series runs for thirteen episodes and contains Loads and Loads of Characters.
Tropes used in Shining Tears X Wind include:
- Affectionate Gesture to the Head: Souma does this to Mao a few times.
- An Ice Person: Blanc Neige.
- Anti-Villain: Saionji/Traihard wants to save the world even if he has to do some terrible things.
- The Archer: Elwyn.
- Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence: Xion becomes Zero after he was able to combine the Yin and Yang parts of his dragon rings in Shining Tears.
- Badass: Souma even without a soul blade can fight off enemies quite well with awesome fighting skills. Even back when he was just a highschool student early on in the series he could pull all of this off.
- Traihard is this as well. From the way he acts to his fighting ability. He even defeated Kiriya in a normal sword fight lacking Soul Blades.
- Cast Full of Pretty Boys: Every male character who isn't a beastman is a total Bishonen. There is four in total which range from pretty muscular like Souma and Saionji, to downright Dude Looks Like a Lady like Caris. Kiriya is somewhere in the middle.
- Catgirl: Mao.
- Curb Stomp Battle: The final battle with the Big Bad is built up to the episode before. And then he dies at the very beginning of the next episode very abruptly. The rest of the episode is basically just the ending.
- Death Is a Slap on The Wrist: When Zechti dies they just put her back together. When Ryuna and Lazarus die they are just revived by Zero. When Killrain dies he just becomes a happy spirit. Any death in this series other than the Big Bad and Shumari is a slap on the wrist.
- Demoted to Extra: Kureha went from the main female character to a useless extra after she served her purpose as Souma's Romantic False Lead.
- Only in the anime though since the anime has Souma's perspective and she's with Kiriya at this point.
- The ones who really didn't get to appear in the anime, nor the game in Valeria were Volg, Pios, Keiner, and Cupido.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: How soul bladers get their sword from the other person.
- Fan Service: Blanc Neige's shower scene.
- Also Souma's shirtless scene.
- Another one for the ladies was Souma's ultimate soul blade was within Kiriya. Take note, this also happens in the video game.
- Five-Man Band Weissritter has: Souma (The Hero), Mao (The Lancer), Lazarus (The Big Guy), Blanc Neige (The Smart Guy), and both Elwyn and Ryuna are The Chick. And if you wanna be technical, Zero who formerly was The Hero is now the Big Good.
- Fridge Logic: So why the hell did Kiriya have to return to his world when he clearly had a thing for Zechti? Souma, Saionji, and Reia stayed behind with no problems so why couldent he? In fact why did anyone leave? What teen would pick school over an epic fantasy realm?
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Zero has one of each.
- Grand Theft Me: The Big Bad does this to Killrain.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Zechti makes one to save Kiriya from being killed by Traihard
- She is later revived by Traihard.
- Interspecies Romance: Kiriya and Zechti a human and a clone of an elf.
- Also Souma and Mao get a lot of Ship Tease and the two do seem to have feelings for eachother. Souma being a human and Mao a quarter-beast.
- Meganekko: Reia Hiruda.
- My God, What Have I Done?: After Xion finds out he accidentally killed Lazarus and Ryuna, he snaps out from his Super-Powered Evil Side and gains his other half wing, turning him into Zero.
- Out-of-Character Moment: So lets get this straight Kiriya is madly in love with Zechti, yet he is perfectly fine with leaving her and never seeing her again and doesn't get the slightest bit emotional when he does it.
- Perspective Flip: Souma is the protagonist of the anime, while Kiriya is the protagonist of the game.
- The Power of Love: How Saionji and Kiriya get their holy grails.
- Plucky Comic Relief: Elwyn despite being an excellent fighter is also the comic relief of the group.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Lassi.
- Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Trailer: Souma despite being the show's protagonist has a minor barely noticeable spot on the poster. Most of Weissritter gets the spotlight.
- Plus other important characters like Kiriya and Saionji don't even appear on it.
- Talking to Himself: Souma and Zero who's actually Xion in Shining Tears is voiced by Soichiro Hoshi
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Souma and Kiriya.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Blanc Neige.
- You Should Know This Already: Not necessarily, but if one wants to know the characters more in the anime, particularly the Weissritter group, it would be more encouraging if they played Shining Tears first. Also, the entirety of episode 6 is a major spoiler.
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