< Sherlock Hound

Sherlock Hound/YMMV

  • British Brevity: This show ran for a short time on purpose.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The opening instrumental theme for the English dubs. Arguably, better than any of the sung versions.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Polly the pickpocket who was confused to be a boy at first sight.
    • The whole show actually. Despite it's not-so-long run and the fact that the show was made and aired a long time ago in the 80s, its (Japanese) fanbase seems to be not quite dead yet.
  • Foe Yay : When Moriarty's men thought that Sherlock Hound (and Watson) were taken along with the sinking boat, Todd and Moriarty jumped for joy but only Smiley remained actually sad for his loss with a tear on his eye.
    • Of course despite that, many would prefer Moriarty and Holmes.
  • Ho Yay: Seeing that this is a Holmes adaptation and we all know how much ho yay the original one has, there will be certain fans.
  • Narm: The opening theme for the RLK version. Especially once you see the lyrics.

Help me, if you can, to find the smile that I lost
You're the only friend that can resolve all my problems
Sherlock Holmes, our detective so supreme
Sherlock Holmes, you're the only one for me...
~John Watson [1]

  1. courtesy of a YouTube comment
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