< Shapeshifter Guilt Trip
Shapeshifter Guilt Trip/Playing With
Basic Trope: A Shape Shifter transforms into The Hero's loved one, giving him hesitation.
- Straight: Eva transforms into Bob's Dead Little Sister Alice, forcing Bob into a Heroic BSOD.
- Exaggerated: Eva transforms into Bob's dead family, driving Bob to suicide.
- Downplayed: Eva transforms into Bob's pet dog, which makes Bob confused.
- Justified: Eva knows about Bob's past to hit where it hurts.
- Inverted: Eva transforms into Bob's sworn-enemy, and taunts him in order to make him lose his composure and judgment.
- Eva is on Bob's side, and transforms into Bob's mentor to give him more confidence.
- Subverted: Eva transforms into Alice, but Bob gives no response...
- Double Subverted: Until Eva, as Alice, calls him out for letting her die. Cue BSOD.
- Parodied: Eva turns into Bob's neglectful father, hoping to start a Heroic BSOD. Cue the parental abandonment issues.
- Deconstructed: Eva transforms into Alice, but instead of pressing a BSOD button, it pressed a Berserk Button. Eva soon finds herself in fifteen separate pieces, with enough of her body to still be torn apart.
- Reconstructed: Eva decides to stay as Alice, so that while Bob is killing her, it would look like he's killing Alice, thus BSOD moment.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: This strategy never comes across Eva's mind
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: "Oh yeah, transform into my Dead Little Sister, very original."
- Invoked: ???
- Exploited: ???
- Defied: Eva doesn't go for old wounds, seeing them as a cheap way to achieve a win.
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
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