Shadowland (comics)
Shadowland is a Marvel Comics crossover published in 2010. Set after the events of Siege, Shadowland follows Daredevil and his life after his Face Heel Turn. The series is divided into a five-part miniseries, a three-part Moon Knight mini, a four-part mini about a new Powerman and a few one-shots following Bullseye, Elektra, Ghost Rider and Spider-Man, plus tie-ins to other titles, including Thunderbolts.
Tropes used in Shadowland (comics) include:
- Action Girl: Colleen Wing, Misty Knight, and The Daughter of The Shadows.
- Affably Evil: Tarantula
- Anti-Hero: Punisher, Ghost Rider and Wolverine.
- Badass Biker: Ghost Rider
- Badass Grandpa: Master Izo.
- Badass Normal: Moon Knight and Punisher to name a few.
- Bash Brothers: Luke Cage and Iron Fist. Spider-Man and Shang Chi.
- Bat Family Crossover: All the Street-Level superheroes from Marvel AKA the Marvel Knights. And Wolverine
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Break the Cutie: After all the years, Daredevil has finally snapped.
- Of course, Daredevil hadn't been "the Cutie" for decades - his definitive story arch basically involved destroying his entire life and every writer since then seemed to think they could only make their mark by torturing him worse than the last guy - but he did start out as a lighthearted character before the conga line of pain started.
- Cain and Abel: Moon Knight & Shadow Knight
- Conservation of Ninjitsu: It dosn't take much to kill the Hand Ninja.
- Crazy Awesome: Moon Knight. He vandalizes his own taxi to get beat up and thrown in the dungeon, just to see where it is and how many people are down there.
- Darker and Edgier: Compared to the current Heroic Age.
- Deadpan Snarker: Spider-Man
- Demonic Possession: The real nature of DD's Face Heel Turn.
- Enemy Mine: Kingpin summons Ghost Rider to help him, as well as Luke Cage and the Immortal Iron Fist, to take down Daredevil.
- Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting: And how.
- Evil Costume Switch: Daredevil's new costume is all black with wrist blades.
- Don't forget the longer horns and red lining.
- Lampshaded by Spider-Man, who points out he's an expert when he says black costume switch always ends bad.
- Face Heel Turn: Daredevil
- Highly-Visible Ninja: The Hand.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Bullseye. Let's just say that all he ever did finally comes back at him.
- Made even more effective with the shitless scared look in his face before he's killed.
W-w-wait... Th-this isn't... Isn't like you always did... Y-you can't...
- Legacy Character: The new Power Man.
- Prepare to Die: this line is delivered to Master Izo, leading to the awesome answer "I was preparing before you were born".
- The Man Behind the Man: Rather, the organization behind the man: it was the Snakeroot that summoned the demon that possessed Daredevil and turned him evil so that he could serve their purpose.
- Technicolor Ninjas: The Hand, again.
- Unstoppable Force Meets Immovable Object: Spider Sense versus Radar Sense.
- The Worf Effect: Despite being one of the bests martial artist in the world Iron Fist gets his ass handed pretty often in this series
- Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him: Brought up by Punisher and Wolverine, but their attempts to do so fail pretty badly.
- Wolverine Publicity: You'll never guess who randomlly shows up in the fourth issue without any build-up.
- To be fair, it IS fairly lampshaded.
- Of course Wolverine is Marvel's best expert at fighting The Hand, after Daredevil himself.
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