< Shadow of the Templar

Shadow of the Templar/YMMV

  • Foe Yay: Of the squickiest kind, not only between Jeremy and Bran, but also between Nate and Farraday - especially in the short Frantic.
  • Ho Yay: Aside from the canonical Simon/Jeremy, there's some subtext between Nate and Johnny in With A Bullet. Word of God says it was deliberate.
    • Word of God also ships Tesseract/Link - you know, those guys from the Blowing Shit Up - on alternative Thursdays - the Not Blowing Shit Up Division-- ah, the Bomb Disposal Squad.
  • No Yay: Surprise!Nate/Farraday in Frantic. Augh!
    • Also invoked by Simon in High Fidelity, immediately squicking himself out.

Simon: Hell, some days I'm half-convinced Rich sold Archer out to Karpol out of sheer jealousy oh God that's so gross I don't even want to think about it.

  • Protagonist-Centered Morality: In High Fidelity, Simon and Sandra -- but especially Sandra -- seem to find nothing wrong with spelling out to Jeremy just how much he'll regret it if anything happens to the team. Because it's totally understandable and rational to threaten someone with death and/or arrest when the only reason anyone is there at all is because they chose to be. Jeremy certainly didn't ask for them to put themselves in harm's way to help him until each and every one of them showed up and essentially forced themselves on him, and he made it very clear that he didn't want them there at all. But no, despite all of this, despite the fact that the only reason Jeremy is in this position is because of Rich and Simon, and despite the fact that Jeremy gives them multiple chances to back out with no hard feelings, despite the fact that Jeremy laid out the entire plan and they all agreed to it, it will totally be Jeremy's fault if they get hurt. For someone who was so hellbent on taking responsibility for his actions, Simon doesn't seem willing to accept the fact that if his team gets hurt, it would be because of his own refusal to put their safety above his own desires and leave. The logic essentially boils down to, "We're all going to help whether you like it or not, and we're not going to take you up on any offers to leave, so you might as well put us to use -- oh, and if any of us get hurt, we'll kill you."
  • Squick: Pretty much all of Jeremy's childhood, up until he's taken in by Ethan. And even then, there's the thing with Bran. Lampshaded by Sandra, who used to work in the Sex Crimes division.
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