< Shades of Grey

Shades of Grey/YMMV

  • Complete Monster - The Colourman, when he causes a downer ending by giving Eddie a choice: admit all he found out and be killed, or leave the two lovers on the train to their doom. Complete Monster indeed.
    • Also Carlos Fandango. As Eddie notes, the "option to refuse waived" in Imogen's advert indicates that he has no interest in her happiness whatsoever, the highest bidding Purple gets to marry her no questions asked. He also indicates that prospective suitors can have her in the wool shed on appropo. Shudder.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome - Eddie's reply to Prefect Yewberry, after the latter tells him that if he were a true citizen, he'd volunteer his services for free to the High Saffron expedition.

Eddie: As you did, sir?

  • Nightmare Fuel - High Saffron, especially the dead people in the road.
    • Literally IN the road. Human-shaped dark shadows under the blue surface of the perpetulite. A section of it was described as being starved, as well; it powers itself by absorbing organic material, and it had not fed in so long that it would near instantly consume anything organic that touched it.
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