Sexy Sax Man

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    Chicks dig saxophone players. We're not sure why, but playing a saxophone apparently makes a man more manly and sexy than if they played all the other brass and woodwinds combined. Maybe it has something to do with the graceful, feminine curve of the saxophone, or the way his hands hold it in a similar way to a lady's back could be caressed if she happened to be in its place. Or the amount of lip control required to play it. Whatever the cause, playing the saxophone is a surefire way to get girls... or get them hot and bothered.

    See also Sexophone, where saxophone riffs are used as BGM for sexy scenes.

    Examples of Sexy Sax Man include:

    Anime and Manga

    Film-Live Action

    • A frequent theme in Some Like It Hot, in which Marilyn Monroe's character has a Fetish for saxophone players, but believes they're all jerks. The main character in the film is a saxophone player, and a jerk. Right at the end, Daphne attempts to deflect the attentions of Osgood by telling him "I have a terrible past. For three years now, I've been living with a saxophone player."
    • Shirtless black dude playing the saxophone in The Lost Boys.

    Live-Action TV

    • On Parks and Recreation, straitlaced boss-man Ron Swanson leads a double life at night, moonlighting as smooth jazz saxophonist Duke Silver. Predictably, the Duke is a hit with the ladies.
    • Diff'rent Strokes: Arnold pretends to play sax in order to get in some girl's pants. Problem is, he can't really play. He ends up getting Clarence Clemons to play Behind the Black while he lip-blew.
    • On The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Will did something similar with another famous (at the time) sax player.
    • Played with in one episode of Seinfeld, where Elaine's saxophone-playing boyfriend isn't as hot and heavy as she'd like him to be. He eventully does do what she wants him to do, which makes his mouth too tired to play the saxophone and he blows an audition.
    • Parodied on a Saturday Night Live Digital, Short which was inspired by Sexy Sax Man Sergio Flores (See Web Original Below). Andy Samberg is, on account of a Gypsy curse, haunted by an incredibly-sexy saxophonist (played by a half-naked Jon Hamm) named Sergio who keeps barging in on his happiest life events and inevitably attracting the attention of whatever women happen to be nearby.
    • In one of their musical finales, The Two Ronnies performed as saxophone-playing lounge lizards boasting of their conquests.
    • The Daily Show invokes this trope in their June 8, 2011 episode. After finding out that Anthony Weiner texted a woman discussing having sex while watching the show, Jon Stewart just decides to go with it and a shirtless man starts playing saxophone.

    Web Comics

    • Lackadaisy's jazz musician Zib invokes this, being both a clarinetist and a saxophonist.

    Q: "So I see that Zib plays the clarinet - why is he never depicted with one? (...)"
    A: "Vanity. He prefers being pictured with the sexyphone. (...)"

    Web Original

    Real Life

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