< Sex and the City
Sex and the City/Headscratchers
- Ok, so when Miranda had the baby, she named him Brady which was Steve's last name. Obviously she didn't know she would end up marrying the guy, but she did and... is the kid then Brady Brady? They never discussed her changing her name, but even hyphenated it would be awkward to be Brady Hobbes-Brady. Even if she keeps Hobbes as a last name, it's still gotta be just a little weird that your first name is your dad's last name, and... goddamn this really does bug me!
- In the credits of the movie his name is given as "Brady Hobbes".
- In The Movie, the one thing Carrie doesn't like about the new apartment is the size of the wardrobe. Big decides to build her a new one. BUT WHERE IS IT? It's clearly much larger than there was space for, so where's the other side? Jutting out into the dining room? Stuck in a parallel dimension a la Skeeve's house in The Myth Adventures of Aahz and Skeeve? How on earth is there room for this wardrobe in their apartment?
- The closet is a TARDIS, maybe? I don't even watch Doctor Who and that seems to be the default answer to any space-related question. Or maybe trick mirrors to make it seem bigger than it is? After that, I got nuthin'.
- Maybe they took out a section of wall and made it a walk-in closet.
- The DVD commentary implies he took a chunk out of an existing room to extend the closet.
- Does Carrie publish these articles WHILE SHE'S DATING THESE GUYS? Surely her boyfriends read her column, and she writes not so nice things, not to mention admits to infidelity more than once. And her girlfriends are all a-OK with their sex lives being broadcast all over NYC? How does this never cause an issue?
- They must have talked about it and OK'd her doing it, because they do all know Carrie is a writer and can pick up her magazine just as easily as anyone else. They even celebrate her being used on a bus billboard. However, I'm betting she uses fake names for them, and we the viewers hearing their real names is just an affectation to avoid confusing new viewers. On the boyfriend front, she may just "forget" to mention exactly what kind of articles she writes, or flat out ask them between scenes if they're OK with it. What she may do to avoid contaminating the relationship is "archive" the articles from ongoing relationships either for when they die or until she gets an OK. Still, I've only watched a handful of episodes when my sister had control of the remote.
- Hey boyfriends are fully aware of her column, and it was an issue when she dated a local politician who eventually became worried that dating a sex columnist would ruin his image. So, not using his real name, published her next column about his wanting of a golden shower, which she decided not to give him. Plus, the narration in the episode isn't supposed to be the entirety of the column, so no, she wouldn't have written about her affair.
- FWIW, The actual column/book the show is based on shuffles the names of the characters from the TV versions (Book Samantha = TV Charlotte, Book Miranda = TV Samantha) so it's possible TV Carrie did something similar too. As for Carrie's boyfriends, most of the people she hangs out with are used to appearing on Page Six and probably don't care as much.
- I always thought that she just used different names for them such as "the russian" or "Big". It never really bothered me much because I also was pretty sure she didn't ramble on in her columns about her friends daily lives, affairs, and random bouts of montezuma's revenge in mexico.
- As someone said, Carrie uses vague nicknames while she writes her columns. So the only people who would know who's she talking about is her friends and ones involved. And she does uses her friend's sex lives as a subject for her columns although she would withhold if her friends asked her to.
- Even if Carrie uses pseudonyms, Samantha and Charlotte are well-known socialites who are constantly appearing in various public occasions with Carrie, so it shouldn't be too hard for gossip papers to decipher who the people behind the nicknames are. Okay, maybe Samantha wouldn't care about it, but Charlotte doesn't seem like the sort of person who'd want intimate details of her life to appear in a column read by millions, even if her real name was hidden. And yet Carrie seems to be writing about everything that goes on in Charlotte's (as well as Miranda's and Samantha's) life, including her problems with conceiving a child, without this ever being an issue to her.
- In the aforementioned arc with the politician, he makes a joking remark about her writing about dating a sexy politician, so I think it's fair to say that yes, she does write about her boyfriends but no, she doesn't use their names.
- They must have talked about it and OK'd her doing it, because they do all know Carrie is a writer and can pick up her magazine just as easily as anyone else. They even celebrate her being used on a bus billboard. However, I'm betting she uses fake names for them, and we the viewers hearing their real names is just an affectation to avoid confusing new viewers. On the boyfriend front, she may just "forget" to mention exactly what kind of articles she writes, or flat out ask them between scenes if they're OK with it. What she may do to avoid contaminating the relationship is "archive" the articles from ongoing relationships either for when they die or until she gets an OK. Still, I've only watched a handful of episodes when my sister had control of the remote.
- The current economic situation aside, why the hell does Carrie keep her old apartment? When she starts going back there in the second movie, it's implied that its the first time she's been there in two years. I understand wanting your own space and everything, but if she really seldom goes there, why waste good real estate like that?
- I'm guessing for the same reason she specifically went back to that same apartment after coming back from Paris. She has a lot of memories in that place, and isn't ready to see it go yet.
- Carrie never fully commits to relationships. It's her main character flaw. And she's the kind of New York rich that can keep a Manhattan condo in her back pocket on the off-chance that the same relationship that already collapsed several times collapses again.
- In the episode The Cold War, Charlotte obviously realizes her dog is in heat during the dog show. Anyone who knows anything about what happens when a dog is in heat knows it is NOT a good idea to have her anywhere near male dogs, let alone let her off the leash in the middle of a dog park. Also Elizabeth Taylor is a small dog, and so is the Jack Russell Terrier who first tries to mount her. Why didn't Charlotte just walk over to her and scoop her up instead of standing uselessly to the side waving her arms?
- She might have not expected a situation like that to happen, and assumed it wouldn't be out of her control. But I assume once your tiny dog is being gangbanged by all the strays in new york, you might not want to go shoving your hands in the middle of that... unpleasantness.
- Probably part of Charlotte's Flanderization of her naivette.
- In the episode where Samantha tries to return a back massager from some Sharper Image type store becuase it doesn't function as a vibrator, (which hello gross, I don't think the store would be able to resell that item) why didn't she just go to a sex toy shop and buy a real vibrator? It's not like New York City wouldn't have dozens of those! In fact they had an episode in the first season where Charlotte gets addicted to a vibrator.
- Rule of Funny. She didn't know it wasn't a vibrator.
- She mentioned it was under warranty, so she was simply able to get a new one for free.
- It's Samantha, she probably has/wants a variety of... sex equipment.
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