Serendipity the Pink Dragon

Serendipity the Pink Dragon was a 1983 anime (original title Serendipity Monogatari Pure to no Nakamatachi - Serendipity Stories: Friends on Pure Island) that was adapted into a movie in 1989. The story follows Bobby, (or Kuno in Japanese), a young boy who is shipwrecked in the Antarctic. He finds a pink egg and floats on it out to a magical island, where the pink pleisiosaur Serendipity hatches. The island where she lives is endangered by the threat of humans coming when Captain Smudge realizes there is gold on the island.
The original anime, and the movie made from it, was based on a series of children's books called, oddly enough, Serendipity Books. Each book was designed to deliver An Aesop, such as "Enjoy being you," "Treat others the way you want to be treated," and "Not everyone enjoys the same things."
- Ambiguous Gender: A baffling example in the English dub, Peela-Peela is referred to as a female in the first half of the movie and a male in the second half.
- Angst? What Angst?: Bobby seems to completely forget that he'll probably never see his parents again once Serendipity hatches.
- Bishie Sparkle: Often with Princess Laura
- Carnivore Confusion: Bobby eats a coconut, but they talk and have feelings...
- Cute Shotaro Boy: Bobby
- Dinosaurs Are Dragons: The title calls Serendipity a dragon, but the theme song says she's a dinosaur.
- Ear Worm: Holy shit.
- Egg MacGuffin
- Everything Talks: Rocks talk, the fruits on the trees talk, etc.
- For the Evulz: Captain Smudge -- "What's that bird doin'? Well, it's a shame I'm in such a foul mood-" *cocks gun to shoot Peela-Peela*
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: Humans are the main threat to the island.
- Seadog Beard: Captain Smudge has one
- Talk Like a Pirate: Captain Smudge
- Tastes Like Diabetes
- Sugar Bowl
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: The mermaid princess Laura has purple hair.