Sengoku Collection
In an alternate universe, the major figures of the Warring States period were all women. Right after the incident at Honnou-ji, something happens, flinging this world's Nobunaga through time and space into our world - modern day Tokyo, to be exact. Within her first day of arrival, she runs into an ordinary boy, names him her retainer, and is set with a mission. She must find the Secret Treasures in order to return home. Of course, other figures from the past will follow after her.
Based on a cell phone game, Sengoku Collection was turned into a Spring 2012 Anime. It can be watched at Crunchyroll.
Tropes used in Sengoku Collection include:
- Crash Into Hello: Nobunaga. More like she headbutts him.
- Darker and Edgier: The episode focusing on Masamune. Not just just the storyline, but also the artwork.
- Gender Flip: Naturally.
- Girls Behind Bars: Episode Four has Masamune sent to a women's prison after being tricked into helping the yakuza.
- Gotta Catch Them All: The Secret Treasures
- Fish Out of Temporal Water: All the girls.
- Idol Singer: Rosary, who inspired Ieyasu to become one.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Nobunaga has no shame of changing in front of her retainer.
- Miko: Three of them, Fox, Cat and Rabbit, who exist across time and space, and give Nobunaga her mission.
- Red Headed Heroine: Nobunaga
- She Is the King: Nobunaga
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Zettai Ryouiki: Nobunaga, Cat
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