Secret Avengers

Run the Mission, Don't Get Seen, Save the World.

The Secret Avengers are a black-ops oriented team of Avengers team in the Marvel Universe who that started with the birth of the "Heroic Age". Originally lead by Steve Rogers, the hero who was placed in charge of America's superheroes after replacing a drunk-with-power Norman Osborn. The comic deals with the Secret Avengers' "off-the-grid" operations, as they seek to protect the world from hidden threats before they reach the general public attention.

The current incarnation of the team has Hawkeye taking over the team, with new additions of Captain Britain, the original Human Torch and even Venom[1] as part of the team, with Steve bequeathing leadership of the Secret Avengers to Hawkeye[2].

Tropes used in Secret Avengers include:
  • Action Girl: Black Widow, Sharon Carter, and Valkyrie.
  • Animal-Themed Superbeing: The Beast, Ant-Man and Venom
  • Badass Bookworm: The Beast and Ant-Man, who serve as the team's experts.
  • Badass Crew: This being an Avengers team, not surprising, really.
  • Badass Normal: Black Widow, Shang Chi, Hawkeye, as well as S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Sharon Carter.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Nova Force-enhanced Steve Rogers saving the rest of the Secret Avengers from a Serpent Crown-possessed Nova. Yep. You read that correctly.
    • Venom manages to save Valkyrie from a pair of adaptoids.
  • Costume Copycat: One "Point One[3]" issue features the team having to stop a man dressed up in the U.S. Agent/"The Captain" outfit.
  • Evil Twin: Max Fury, an Life Model Decoy made in Nick Fury's image, and is made to serve the mysterious Shadow Council.
    • Later an adaptoid is introduce that has the ability to grow evil miniature versions of its Avenger opponents from her back that act as such with all originals powers and skills.
  • Five-Man Band:
  • The Mole: Ant-Man, after his Heroic Sacrifice and subsequent return.
  • New Meat: Venom gets treated like this early on, due to being relatively new to superhero work.
  • The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: The Shadow Council, who seemingly have ulterior motives.
  • Psychoactive Powers: Captain Britain
  • Put on a Bus: Nova after the first arc.
  • Sacrificial Lion: At the end of the first Descendants arc we have Jim Hammond, the original Human Torch critically wounded and placed in stasis after engineering the team's escape along Eric O'Grady killed saving a child and either replaced or converted into a potential Deathlok without anyone knowing.
  • Wolverine Publicity: Steve Rogers already serves as the man in charge of America's superhero community, and he also leads the Secret Avengers.
    • Hawkeye thanks to the increased profile from the upcoming Avengers movie is showing up in multiple books at the same time with series set to debut later this year.
  1. Of the Flash Thompson-as-government agent variety, mind you.
  2. Currently, Steve's once again Captain America after the events of Fear Itself.
  3. Basically, issues that are meant as "jumping-on points" for a series to attract new readers.
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