< Second Coming

Second Coming/Playing With

Basic Trope: The person in this trope is one who promises to return to bring a deliverance to his people and eventually fulfills it at a later date, validating the faith of those who were expecting his return.

  • Straight: Jacob sets off on a journey, promising to return to his people to deliver them from a Fate Worse Than Death at a later date, and eventually does return to accomplish the deliverance.
  • Exaggerated: Jacob returns with a grand parade of musicians and worshippers.
  • Justified: ???
  • Inverted: The people set off on a journey, promising to return to Jacob to deliver him from a Fate Worse Than Death at a later date, and eventually do return to accomplish the deliverance.
  • Subverted: Jacob sets off on a journey, promising to return to his people to deliver them from a Fate Worse Than Death at a later date, but he does not return to accomplish the deliverance.
    • Or he does return and does not provide deliverance to his people.
    • Even worse, he destroys his own people rather than let the Fate Worse Than Death take care of them.
  • Double Subverted: However, somebody whom Jacob met along the way who resembles him in various particulars knows about the plight and accomplishes what Jacob failed to do.
    • Or that person may simply come in Jacob's place without knowing the particulars of Jacob's journey and provides the deliverance anyway.
    • Jacob may be reincarnated in some fashion due to death along the journey.
    • Someone from among the people may provide the deliverance that Jacob does not deliver upon his return.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Jacob does not set out on any journey to come back at a later date to provide deliverance.
  • Enforced: People who believe in the religion of Jacob may not provide support for the religion if Jacob does not return to provide deliverance.
  • Lampshaded: "Man, what a miraculous deliverance! This is like the second coming of Jacob!"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Jacob knows that his return will provide deliverance to his people and tries not to return for some reason.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

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