Script Frenzy

30 days. 100 pages. April. Are you in?

The Office of Letters and Light's sister program to National Novel Writing Month, where the entire month of April is devoted to to writing a script. You've got thirty days, a hundred script pages, and a community to help you procrastinate write straight through to the end.

Unlike NaNoWriMo, which is dedicated to fiction novel writing, Script Frenzy gives you the chance to write your script for any media. Your script could be for Movies, TV Shows, Stage Plays, Radio Plays, Graphic Novels, Web Comics, or anything else that requires a script.

Official site.

Script Frenzy provides examples of the following tropes:
  • Chandler's Law - "If all else fails, have a band of ninjas attack somebody" is humorous (but sage) advice for writers at a loss for material to further their script's page count.
  • Cosmetic Award - The first and foremost prize for completing Script Frenzy is ... the mere satisfaction of completing one's script. And a golden/red pagecount meter.
  • It's For A Script - One of the few forums you can ask how to kill someone and not get a call from the police.
  • Not Cheating Unless You Get Caught - actually no one really cares if you do.
    • You're supposed to start a new script on April 1st, but some people continue works in progress.
    • Having a character sing along to a song on a radio, or recite from a play/novel/movie.
  • Portmantitle - the nickname 'Screnzy'.
  • Rule Number One - 100 pages, 30 days, any properly formatted script. Also, "have fun"
  • Self-Imposed Challenge - As if writing 100 pages in 30 days wasn't enough of one already, some Screnziers set a personal goal of more, though this is much less common than at NaNoWriMo.
  • There Are No Rules - Any subject matter, any scripted media.
    • If you want to write a porn script, go for it.
    • In 2010, one participant wrote a 4th Ed D&D Campaign.
  • Troperiffic - your mileage may vary, the scripts may simply be Trope Overdosed
  • Writing by the Seat of Your Pants - Like Nanowrimo: No Plot, No Problem.
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.