< Scream (1996 film)

Scream (1996 film)/WMG

Randy is not dead and may return in a later film

He is a far too popular and likeable character, and other fans have been pleading for him to come back. It could even be seen as a bit of Fridge Brilliance if the writer does ever decide to bring him back because the entire purpose of Scream 4 (the first in a new trilogy) is to subvert many events of the first film. For example:

  • Jill is the new Sidney, but she was one of the killers
  • Charlie is the new Randy , but was the other killer and dies and stays dead instead of getting up like Randy did in Scream
    • This troper thought Robbie was the new Randy, their initials are even the same (Randy Meeks, Robbie Mercer) he still most likely died though, but I'm hoping he lived!
    • Robbie seemed like the new Randy, but at the end Charlie actually calls himself the new Randy, but he degenerates quickly into a new Stu
      • But Charlie's a psycho, so his word isn't all that reliable anyways. He's probably just deluding himself.
        • True
  • Trevor is the new Billy, but was an innocent Red Herring etc...

The aformentioned Fridge Brilliance would come into play in the recently announced Scream 5, having Randy return in the second film of the new trilogy as a mirror to his death in the second film of the "old" trilogy. Whaddya think?

  • And just for the record, this wouldn't be a resurrection like so many A Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13 th movies, just make it so Randy didn't die. Maybe he survived his injuries, was transported to a hospital in a different city (one closer to his family, probably) and he's been laying low for the last little while.
    • Randy is, without a doubt, dead. Not only do we see him getting stabbed and killed, we also see that his throat's been slit. Add that to the fact that Joel mentions that his van is a crime scene, Randy's sister is sad about his death in Scream 3, and the fact that he has never been so much as mentioned as being alive for two and a half movies..... yeah. He's dead. It's like saying Tatum, Rebecca, or Trevor is alive. Their deaths are 100% final. If you want deaths which may have been survivable look at Kirby (Same wounds as Sidney, never mentioned again) or Robbie (Not wounded as bad as Dewey has been, alive for a while afterwards, paramedics are seen coming up and pulling out their equipment in the background of a scene) Now those characters may have survived.
      • Yeah, but it's just wishful thinking.
        • That I get, I'm still in wishful denial that Tatum died, Randy died, Cotton died, Jennifer died, Rebecca died, Trevor died, and that Kirby and Robbie could be dead!
      • Yeah, but it's especially sad when the characters that are in more than one movie are killed off. We Hardly Knew Ye

The Scream films exist in the View Askewniverse, which is also the real world

How else would the Jay and Silent Bob cameo in Scream 3 make any sense?

  • Or the scene in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back where they walk onto the set of Stab 4, which is being directed by Wes Craven.
    • That would make sense because, as stated in Scream 4, only the first 3 Stab movies are based in fact, and the series apparently went downhill after that. (It would explain why the killer in Stab 4 was a monkey.
  • Maybe the director`s assistant for the Bluntman & Chronic movie (played by Jamie Kennedy) was actually Randy Meeks, having survived his attack in Scream 2. (I refer you to the first WMG on this page.) It would explain why he is so meek, timid, and jittery ( being attacked by a killer would do that to you). But it would also show that he is working his way up in Hollywood from lowly director's assistant to an actual director, eventually.

Stu's motive was revenge for Casey dumping him for Steve

  • Early in the movie Randy has a quick line where he says that Casey dumped Stu for Steve. Stu says that he dumped her for Tatum. So if he was angry and jealous about it maybe that's why that pair had to die.
    • Well, that and peer pressure. He was very sensitive.

The true Ghostface is an old man who teaches teenagers how to become serial killers

  • Well, that was kind of used as the plot twist at the end of Scream 3, with Roman telling Billy and Stu to start the original murders.
    • Yeah but he seemed a bit unstable to be a puppet master type villain.
  • This would account for the change in the Ghostface voice (assuming the voice is the old man's, rather than the actual killer's), which was caused by Roger L. Jackson's real-life voice change (due to aging), but was never addressed in-universe.

Dewey and Gale will not appear in Scream 5

  • It's just a thought, but they really don't have much of a place in the franchise anymore. They get engaged at the end of Scream 3, and they have a rocky marriage that gets better in Scream 4, but their plotline has now been completely resolved. It's like when they removed Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley in Pirates of the Carribean 4, there is no need to have them in future sequels, it's the same for Dewey and Gale. Not saying that they should be killed off, just Put on a Bus. Let's say that they moved to another country to get as far as possible from any more killings. This, in turn will allow more new characters to have more screen time in the fifth and sixth films.
    • This troper seconds this. Even though they play a role in the climax, they feel unnecessary to the storyline. It really wouldn't be a bad thing if the same thing happens to Sidney. The more she's in these movies the more likely it is she's going to end up murdered.

Scream 5 is going to have a blatant joke about sequel numbers

  • The joke is probably going to be Stab (some ridiculously big number) or Stab (followed by some Colon Cancer )

Dewey killed Stone The Bodyguard.

Ok hear me out here. Though Stone had some defining moments like catching Gale eavesdropping and fighting Ghostface to the death, he was a complete and utter dick to Dewey, treating him with disrespect despite Dewey surviving twice up to the events of Scream 3. During his death scene, he was snooping around Dewey's trailer, and even stole pocket change from him while on the phone with presumably Dewey. To top it off, he made a remark about Dewey's sister's death which was seconds away from the killer's Kruger style one liner. ("That Makes me *Stab* ANGRY!!!) Last but not least, he approached the group and pointed at Dewey before collapsing dead. I am not saying Dewey was the killer for all of Scream 3, but he used the ensuing chaos to his advantage to get even with Stone.

    • But remember, Dewey was in the house with Gale and Jennifer the entire time, that's how the audience is supposed to know that it's not Dewey on the phone with Steven Stone.

Scream 5 is going to seemingly kill off Sidney, only to bring her back for the finale of Scream 6.

Search your hearts, you know it to be awesome.

Ghostface really is a ghost.

He possesses people and motivates them to kill. As for possessing multiple people at once, either he's one ghost that can split up or many ghosts that can form into one collective.

If Sidney is in the next movie, she is going to kill herself

Sidney can't possibly stay sane after all of that.

Scream 5 really will involve Time Travel.

One of the characters in Scream 4 mentioned that Stab 5 involved time travel, which is possible foreshadowing of the sequel. It won't be the standard time travel, though. Instead, we'll have flashbacks of Sidney's mom trying to escape from a killer (maybe Billy and Stu), and at the same time, have Sidney running from the same killer and trying to figure out his identity.

Ghostface as the Seven Deadly Sins

  • Pride: Jill
  • Wrath: Mrs. Loomis
  • Lust: Billy
  • Greed: Mickey
  • Gluttony: Stu
  • Envy: Roman
  • Sloth: Charlie
    • I always thought Jill was envy.
      • probably, but Roman was envious of Sid before she was famous and truly wanted to kill her.

Stu is still alive.

He was electrocuted I know, but take horror movie physics away and you got the odds of surviving an electrocution. Not to mention after the TV stopped shocking him he made a moan before passing out. It sounded like a faint sign of life.

The entire Scream universe horror follows movie rules in a cosmic setting.

This isn't just to be one step ahead of the killer, this universe is cursed to live as an eternal horror movie. This not only includes the rules Randy and others mentioned throughout the films but ones they never mentioned: 1. As long as the heroine/scream queen lives, someone will always try to kill her. 2. Every killer has to wear the titular costume. 3. No matter what their motive is, it will always lead back to why the Heroine has to die in order for them to succeed. 4. If there is more than one killer throughout the series, they will always pay tribute to their predecessor while adding their own style to the mix. 5. No matter how much the Heroine succeeds, she will always lose someone, or something she cares about. 6. Only the scream queen can kill the killer.

While these rules are mostly set in stone, the characters on both the protagonist and antagonist ends of the curve strive to change them in some way. Such as Sidney surviving despite not being a virgin.

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