Scott Pilgrim vs. Snow Flower and The Secret Hall Pass

Scott Pilgrim vs. Snow Flower and the Secret Hall Pass is the companion fic to Oxenstierna D. Yuki-Rin's other fanfic, Geishas of Winter. In the fic, Shizuo Heiwajima is forced into an arranged marriage by his parents, Austria and Hungary. When his old pen pal, Izaya, re-enters his life for the wedding, Izaya, Shizuo and Shizuo's four co-workers, Firo Prochainezo, America, Roy Mustang and Sakata Gintoki, are given hall passes to do whatever they want until the wedding. Hilarity and Refuge in Audacity ensue as the six party it up.

Tropes used in Scott Pilgrim vs. Snow Flower and The Secret Hall Pass include:
  • Adaptation Expansion: To Geishas of Winter.
  • Arranged Marriage: Shizuo is in one of these. His bride hasn't been revealed yet, but Word of God states that the bride could be Téa Gardener.
  • Bacon Addiction: Bacon is one of the many breakfast foods Shizuo cooks for Izaya when he arrives at his house in chapter one.
  • Character Name and the Noun Phrase: Taken Up to Eleven since the title is "Scott Pilgrim vs Snow Flower and the Secret Hall Pass".
  • Comic Sutra: The possibility of Austria and Hungary praticing this pops up in chapter two when Austria mentions watching a Kama Sutra DVD with Hungary, only to replace it at the last second with watching a Care Bears DVD.
  • Dead Fic: Unfortunately, the story has not only been discontinued but also completely deleted from the site. Geishas of Winter suffered the same fate.
  • Epic Fail: Firo's attempt at parkour in chapter two ends in this.
  • Girlfriend in Canada: In chapter one, Shizuo wishes that he has one of these after Crocodile rejects him from marrying Aki.
  • Food Porn: The usual over-the-top descriptions of food in romance novels set in China is parodied in chapter one with Shizuo's breakfast spread for Izaya.
  • Local Hangout: Sushi Restaurant as Seen in Durarara!!, a.k.a., the sushi bar Shizuo, Simon, and many other characters work at. Word of God states that it's the same sushi restaurant where Shizuo and Simon work at in Durarara, and she just gave it the name "Sushi Restaurant as Seen in Durarara" since it didn't have a name in canon.
  • Officially Shortened Title: Since the full title couldn't fit on, Oxenstierna D. Yuki-Rin had to shorten it to, "Scott Pilgrim vs. Snow Flower and the Hall Pass".
  • Overly Long Name: The fanfic is titled, "Scott Pilgrim vs. Snow Flower and the Secret Hall Pass". But, since the full title couldn't fit on, it's listed as, "Scott Pilgrim vs. Snow Flower and the Hall Pass".
  • Versus Title
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