School Mermaid

The things one does for love.

A one shot, three chapter horror manga about two Japanese school girls who really wanna get boyfriends. But rather than going through the trouble of getting the attention of a boy, talking to them and just being themselves, they decide on a much quicker way to do so... By hunting mermaids in their school and eating their flesh.

No, really. That's the premise.

Still skeptical? See for yourself. A warning-- the ending is pretty disturbing and definitely High Octane Nightmare Fuel. View at your own risk.

Tropes used in School Mermaid include:
  • And Then John Was a Zombie
  • Batman Gambit -- Haruko pulls one on Yoshiko - helped along by the fact that the latter had more than one flaw that fed into it
  • Cute Mute -- All the mermaids. Obviously cute, and can only make screech sounds.
  • Dissonant Serenity -- The mermaids don't seem the least bit bothered by being stalked by girls trying to kill them, until one gets brought down. Also seen when Haruko watches them drag Yoshiko away.
  • Downer Ending: Haruko got Yoshiko turned into a mermaid because Yoshiko is easy prey, and Haruko will move on to the next person - boyfriend, victim, somebody. There is the possibility that she will screw up at some point, and get turned into a mermaid herself, though.
  • Evil Plan -- Brilliantly masterminded by Haruko on the unathletic, weak-hearted Yoshiko from the beginning.
  • Eviler Than Thou -- Haruko happily pulls the trigger and eats the mermaid while Yoshiko is going through her Heroic BSOD / Villainous Breakdown and is doomed by it.
  • False Friend
  • Flaw Exploitation -- Why Haruko chose to partner up with Yoshiko in the first place.
  • Foot Focus -- Indeed there are a lot of shots of feet. Can't be helped though since the mermaids are in swimsuits.
  • Heroic BSOD / Villainous Breakdown -- depending on how you view Yoshiko, her loss of composure in the last chapter spells her doom.
  • Love Makes You Evil -- Haruko is so obsessed over Tanaka that she's not only killed and eaten several mermaids, but sets up another girl to be transformed so she can eat her, too.
  • Our Mermaids Are Different
  • Race Against the Clock -- You'd better be finished by the time sun comes up...
  • Slasher Smile -- That creepy ass grin of Haruko as Yoshiko is turned into a mermaid. You'll know it when you see it.
  • Squee -- Creepy mermaid sound.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Haruko wins, but the ending brings up the possibility that one day she will screw up and lose in the worst possible way.
  • The Reveal -- Let's just say there's a reason those mermaids are there in the first place...
  • Unwitting Pawn -- Yoshiko can't bring herself to eat Ohara, and that attack of conscience dooms her when Haruko's subsequent Eviler Than Thou Batman Gambit comes to fruition.
  • Villain Protagonist -- Both girls but Haruko's Eviler Than Thou Gambit turns Yoshiko into the hapless victim
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