< Scary Movie
Scary Movie/YMMV
- Cargo Ship: Doofy and the Vacuum Cleaner in the first one, and Ray and the Clown Doll in the second.
- Contested Sequel: Different fans can easily find any given movie the worst or the best. Generally speaking, the biggest fan divide is between those who prefer the Wayans films (the first two) and those who prefer the Zuckers (the latter two).
- Crosses the Line Twice: A girl living with her drug-dealing father? Not funny. Having them talk about how cutting crack with baking powder will have people growing muffins out of their noses? Funny.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Shorty in the first two movies.
- Hollywood Homely: Very much played for laughs with Cindy Campbell who is played by the obviously attractive Anna Faris yet is constantly criticized over her appearance (this joke is dropped in the Zucker films which portray Cindy as more of a Brainless Beauty type.)
- Older Than They Think: What this movie does in two hours, Shasta McNasty did in a 30 minute Halloween Special: "I Know What You Did To My Feathers"
- Retroactive Recognition: No wonder Cindy's stepson in movie 3 is such a Creepy Child... it's Nevel!
- Shallow Parody: Increasingly so as the series progressed. The first film took flack for how it was a parody of a franchise that were already parodies.
- Shocking Swerve: Parodied at the end of the first movie, where the killer is revealed to be Doofy, who has already got away and is shown taking off his disguise, and is actually a character not seen or referenced anywhere else in the movie. He is then picked up by his girlfriend and drives off into the sunset.
- Too Spicy for Yog Sogoth: In the first film, Buffy Gilmore is decapitated and still harassing Ghostface, thinking he was just a prankster. One can't help to feel sorry for Ghostface at the moment as Gilmore was still annoying enough to have her head dumped in a bin.
- Weird Al Effect: $157 million worth of tickets were sold at the US box office to see Scary Movie, compared with $103 million for Scream). But this was only at the time; which has been seen more more people since release is completely untrackable, and both films retain large fandoms.
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