Saving Face
Saving Face revolves around the 29 year old Chinese-American surgeon Wilhelmina. Wil's life is shaken up when her mother (Joan Chen) moves in with her and it is also revealed that Wil's mother is pregnant by an unknown father. Wil also gets a new love in her life with another Chinese-American girl Vivian. To complicate things, Wil is trying to keep the relationship secret. The question is how can Wil handle and balance these new factors in her life? The answer is, not at all. She screws up everything, especially her own relationship with Vivian.
This film is a lesbian Romantic Comedy released in 2004. Directed and written by Alice Wu, the work is a lighthearted take on family and relationships as well as how people present themselves to others.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Wil, at the end, although Vivian is too far away to hear her.
- Bilingual Dialogue: Around 40% of the film is in Mandarin.
- Black Best Friend: Jay.
- Coming Out Story
- Gayngst: A little bit of it; goes hand in hand with the fact of Wil's traditional family.
- Gossipy Hens: Pretty much Wil's entire immediate and extended family - women and men alike.
- Happy Ending
- Last-Minute Hookup
- Law of Inverse Fertility
- Lesbian Romance
- Likes Older Women: Little Yu.
- Lipstick Lesbian
- Looking for Love In All the Wrong Places: Wil's mom's dating montage.
- May-December Romance
- Precision F-Strike
- Race For Your Love
- Romantic Comedy
- Runaway Bride: Wil's mom, at the very end.
- Secret Relationship