< Savannah Reid

Savannah Reid/Heartwarming

  • In the middle of the night, Savannah is awakened by Dirk sobbing. She has never seen him cry before. He is grieving for his dead ex-wife, and Savannah comforts him. He eventually falls asleep with his arms around her, and she stays there all night to watch over him, glad she was able to help him.
  • The end of Fat-Free and Fatal. Savannah often doesn't have enough money to pay Tammy her salary or even her own bills, but on one case she finally gets a large amount of money. She innocently asks Tammy to go for a drive, and they go to one of their favorite spots in town, near Tammy's dream house. Tammy is crestfallen to see that the house was put up for sale and already sold... until Savannah reveals that she paid the down payment on it for Tammy.
  • The scene in Wicked Craving where Savannah is interacting with a toddler and Dirk is watching her with a tender expression.
  • This scene in A Decadent Way to Die, when Savannah believes she'll never fall asleep again for worry about Tammy.

But she did sleep. Two hours later, she was stretched across Dirk's sofa, and she was out like a street lamp on the east end of town. Dirk walked out of the bedroom, a blanket in his hands. Gently, he spread it over her, tucking it around her shoulders, legs, and feet. "Sleep while you can, sweetheart," he whispered. "It's the only break you get from worrying about everybody and their brother's cousin's uncle's dog." He leaned down, brushed her hair back from her face, and kissed her cheek. "Always the big sister, aren't you, Van," he said softly, "taking care of everybody but yourself. Good night, baby." He patted her on the back, then turned down the lights and left the room. She stirred slightly in her sleep, reached up and touched the spot on her cheek that he had kissed. "Good night, darlin'," she whispered back. "Sleep tight."

  • The entire end of A Decadent Way to Die, with Dirk caring for Savannah after she gets shot, Savannah waking up to see all the people she loves most around her, and Dirk finally proposing at the end, with Savannah saying yes.

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