Satou-kun to Tanaka-san
Satou-kun and Tanaka-san - The Blood High School is a Josei manga by Yun Kouga, creator of Loveless. Originally a one-shot published in the anthology magazine Arcana under the title To Cross the River, it was picked up for serialization and continues the plot from where the one-shot left off.
70 years ago, a vampire named Jedaiah was in love with a woman named Fumiko. She rejected him, choosing to marry Saburou Tanaka instead, and the vampire promised to return someday. Now, Fumiko is an old lady with a granddaughter, Misaki Tanaka. She is a high school girl who is a splitting image of her grandmother when she was young. Jedaiah, now going by the name Satou, decides to infiltrate Tanaka's high school on a mission to make her grandmother fall in love with him.
- Book Dumb: Tanaka.
- Cute Little Fangs: Satou and Akashi Watanabe.
- Cryptic Conversation: Satou and Akashi's talk of the "Happy Bird Report" and of "harvesting" Arisa.
- Deadpan Snarker: Satou.
- Dhampyr: Arisa Watanabe's daughter claims her father is Satou, making her this.
- Disappeared Dad: If what Akashi Watanabe says is true, Satou was this for her.
- Hair Decorations: Tanaka wears a heart-shaped hair-clip.
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampire: Satou.
- Girlish Pigtails: Fumiko wore her hair in long braids in her youth.
- Identical Granddaughter: Tanaka looks just like Fumiko did years ago. (It bothers Satou, to say the least.)
- Arisa Watanabe's daughter, Akashi, looks just like her.
- Joshikousei: Tanaka and the other female students.
- Last-Name Basis: Practically everyone, since this is Japan and only close friends and relatives call each other by first name. (Tanaka's given name is Misaki, in case you were wondering. Satou's (both his original and alias) are unknown.)
- Mayfly-December Romance: Satou's love for Fumiko.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Such as being cold-blooded, like reptiles.
- Rapunzel Hair: Tanaka.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Satou and Tanaka (depending on the color art).
- Vampire Vannabe / Vampire Hunter: Tanaka wants to be a vampire, and she's willing to threaten Satou with bodily harm (in the form of garlic, crosses and silverware) in order to get it. She doesn't genuinely want to hurt Satou, though.
- Vegetarian Vampire: Satou is only ever seen eating normal things, like watermelon, but they make him sick. (Tanaka claims he must be anorexic.)
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Tanaka and Satou's classmates think they're this.
- Sadist Tutor: Suzuki.
- The Social Darwinist: Satou thinks that if Tanaka is dumb enough to get possessed by a ghost, it's her fate and won't help her.
- Stoic Spectacles: Satou.
- True Love Is Boring: Apparently the mindset of Satou's ex, Arisa.
- Tsundere: Satou, so much.
- Weakened by the Light: Satou isn't, but supposedly, anyone he bites would be. (First generation vamps are supposed to be stronger.)
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Tanaka and Satou.