Sarah Zero

That's what she said.
"Waycist: A person with a prejudiced belief that their way of doing things is superior to all others. Sarah Zierinski, this means YOU."—A Trevipedia article
Describe Sarah Zero here. Oh, how to describe it. Some might call it "a Design Student's Orgasm in comic form." Some might call it something infinitely less quotable. Most would call it... unique.
Whatever you call it, its about page describes it as "an ongoing story about a feisty redhead and a group of young malcontents struggling to find love and validation on the internet". It mixes epic artwork with extremely unconventional page layout to create something that you'll either love or hate. There's really no in between.
Tropes used in Sarah Zero include:
- Arc Number: The number 28 pops up suspiciously often, although it's not yet been stated how this number is significant.
- Art Evolution: Compare this image of Sarah from episode 3 with this image from episode 412.
- Art Shift: :awesome:
- Easy Evangelism: At first, it seems like Sarah does this to spindlecakes28, but it's actually subverted. Turns out she's just that impressionable.
- Edible Ammunition: The PISSS tanks shoot pineapple grenades.
- Fiery Redhead: Sarah (and the whole comic in general) tend to be very loud.
- Fun with Acronyms: See Internet Incorporated below.
- Gratuitous Russian: "Ready."
- Internet Incorporated: The Internet has been deleted and replaced by the Contranet, which is controlled by the Privacy Investigation Schadenfreude Secret Service, a Mega Corp that forces DRM on everything and has outlawed original works of any kind.
- Jump the Shark: Parodied in episode 383.
- Ludicrous Gibs: Rustallica's decapitation-by-pineapple is pretty extreme.
- Mary Sue: In-Universe parody in the form of Deus Ex Mary Sue, who is a "realist who's always around when needed: the perfect girl."
- Mega Corp: See Internet Incorporated above.
- Mind Screw
- Reference Overdosed: See Take That below.
- Shout-Out to the Mario Bros. series, as well as a subversion.
Horsie: "Horsie to Base: Our princess... is definitely... in this castle!"
- President Feylin is a reference to our favorite Tina Fey lookalike/ex-vice-presidential candidate.
- Various musical Shout Outs:
- The aforementioned PISSS.
- The old bouncer, Rustallica, but that's not the only Shout-Out to them... and the second pokes fun at the They Changed It, Now It Sucks base.
- The three black ladies seen early on are a group called "Niggaz in Command." Their album title, Whites In Night Satin, is probably a Shout-Out too...
- Instead of a band, the cover of Shallow Life by Lacuna Coil.
- And a dialogue-Shout Out to "Barracuda" by Heart.
- Not to mention the song "Disgustipated" by Tool.
- Could be coincidence, could be "2 Minutes To Midnight."
- And of course, the club being named "The Download Spiral."
- Take That: Too many to mention. It lampoons everything.
- Unsound Effect: oh so many
"epic sound effect"
"Flawless Trajectory"
"rolling eyes noise"
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