Santana (web video)

Santana is an original series created by Lexo TV, with episodes featured on YouTube. It is a Slice of Life puppet show that revolves around the life of Santana, an ill-tempered Trinidadian man who lives on Lexo Street with his wife, Janice. What really stands out about this show is that all of the characters all have serious issues that are Played for Laughs. It's a rather hilarious show especially to Trinidadians, some of whom can definitely relate to one or two of the characters in some way or another.

Tropes used in Santana (web video) include:

Santana: "Ey. You ent know who is me, or wha? I's SANTANA, bitch!"

    • Hilariously subverted in the Classic Cola commercial when he attempts this against the bees, only for them to spell out "So?" and continue attacking him.
  • Berserk Button: Santana has a LOT. Two that stand out are Narine peeking over his wall, and Janice not making dinner for him.
    • Patsy also deserves special mention here, as hers happens to be anytime Narine does something stupid.
    • Refuse to pay Sookdeo after he does a job for you, and he will kill you.
  • Blatant Lies: Every word that comes out of Charlene's mouth to Chang in "Meet Sookdeo". Here's an example:


Sookdeo: (turns to camera,still holding his shotgun) "WHAT ALLYUH WATCHING?"

  • The Casanova: Pastor Stewart is implied to be this with members of his congregation.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: A powerful one occurs when a woman crosses Pastor Stewart.
  • Continuity Nod: Santana throws a tantrum over Janice not making him food in "Patsy". In "Kizzy", she's seen talking to her friend about the incident.
    • Leroy is exposed to a severe Cluster F-Bomb in "Pastor". Guess what happens in "Leroy"?
  • Creator Cameo: Roger Alexis appears at the end of the "Kizzy" promo.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: Chang.
  • Easily Forgiven: Both Santana and Janice in this video, by each other.
  • Everything's Worse with Bees: This.
  • Foreshadowing: The '666' in the font used for "Leroy". Listen to the music at the end.
  • Gargle Blaster: Santana's virility drink, the "Hiroshima", which contains penguin balls and alligator farts. It even causes a flame burst when Narine drinks it.
  • Gonk: Ragoo is pretty ugly compared to the rest of the cast, and his voice sounds like he swallowed a can of helium.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Pastor Stewart would often quote Scripture and good values, but the episodes featuring him caught him with his pants down. Once quite literally.
  • Jerkass: Santana toward Janice, at times.
    • Charlene in "Meet Sookdeo" towards Chang. Fleecing him out of money before selling out to Santana for a six pack of beers? Definitely this.
  • Kick the Dog: Kizzy tells Janice to break up with Santana just so she could take him for herself.
  • Killed Off for Real: Ragoo in "Meet Sookdeo".
  • The Loins Sleep Tonight: Narine, after taking Santana's "Hiroshima", which was supposed to have the opposite effect.
  • Nosy Neighbor: Narine. Santana even gets pissed off to the point of tossing a bottle at him.
  • Oh Crap: Pastor Stewart's reaction when Santana catches him red-handed in "Thou Shalt Not Horn".
  • Professional Killer: Sookdeo is hinted to be this in the trailer for the movie. Subverted in one instance where he offs Ragoo for free after not being paid by him.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: Narine, when Patsy gets mad with him.
  • Shout-Out: The font and theme used at the end of "Leroy" is one to The Omen.
  • Shut UP, Hannibal: Pastor Stewart delivers this to the woman who called him out in the street.
  • Ted Baxter: Narine, who even pens a song praising his bedroom skills.

Santana: (after hearing the song) Narine, go home nah.

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