< Sanity Slippage
Sanity Slippage/Playing With
Basic Trope: A charecter's sanity begins to slip.
- Straight: Bob starts losing his sanity over time.
- Exaggerated: Bob becomes an omnicidal maniac.
- Downplayed: Bob goes crazy, but it isn't noticable to anyone around him.
- Justified: Bob got poisoned with mercury, which can cause insanity.
- Alternatively, Bob was already insane, but lost or ran out of his medication.
- Inverted: Bob starts out insane and becomes more normal as time goes on.
- Subverted: Bob goes insane, and then becomes sane.
- Or, he found his medication or got a refill.
- Double Subverted: ...And then he becomes insane again.
- Parodied: Bob belives that somehow, somewhere... a duck is watching him.
- Deconstructed: All the people Bob once knew and loved are now scared of him and don't trust him because of his slipping sanity.
- Bob is put away in a mental hospital.
- Reconstructed: Bob's family and friends decide instead of avoiding him they should help him regain his sanity.
- Bob is declared not a threat to himself or others.
- Zig Zagged: Bob slips into and out of sanity.
- Averted: Bob is compeletly sane and never becomes crazy.
- Enforced: "Crazy Bob is just more popular then sane Bob."
- Lampshaded: "Is it just me, or is Bob acting stranger then usual?"
- Invoked: Someone broke a thermometer over Bob's head.
- Exploited: ???
- Defied: "I'm not going crazy, I'm not going crazy, I'm not going crazy!"
- Discussed: "I swear to God, Bob is losing his sanity!" "No, you think?"
- Conversed: "Why is it always the nice ones who go nuts or are badass?"
- Played For Laughs: Bob's craziness is nothing more then saying stuff that doesn't make sense and doing silly things.
- Played For Drama: Bob goes nuts, and becomes a serial killer and kills his loved ones.
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